thirty nine

22 0 0

Your POV

"hello, is this y/n?" a woman's voice asked in the other line of the phone, "yes, why?" I asked, "well, your friend sehun left his phone on the road, you're the one saved in his emergency contacts so I assume you guys are close." yeah, we are close, super.

"why did you call?" I asked, "well unfortunately, he got in an accident." what? "accident? what accident?" I wasn't informed about this, why is he so stupid? "he got in a car accident, and based on the driver, he went infront of the car himself intentionally." she replied, "intentionally? he would never do something like that!" I'm feel like I'm gonna explode. 

"I'm sorry ma'am but he's in a comma, maybe you can let his family know?" she suggested, family? I don't know his family. "family? he hasn't told me about them." I explained, "please visit the nearest hospital, thank you." the woman hung up, what the fuck? they can't just hang up like that.

I wore a pair of shoes and went straight to Jay's car, I still use it till this day, he doesn't really mind. 

I went to the hospital and checked in, I opened the door of his hospital room, and saw he was there, laying down on the bed, looking lifeless.

why would he ever think of killing himself? I told the woman earlier that he would never think of doing that but honestly I don't think so. 

he's done self harm before, he's tried killing himself before, and I was the only one by his side.

I don't think he did it unintentionally.

"what's wrong sehun? why didn't you tell me that something was bothering you?" a tear drop left my eye, honestly, I don't think I'd be upset right now if I didn't remember my childhood memories with him, basically i got in a planned car accident and my doctor was the one I was so annoyed of, he told me about my condition and said that I'll still remember all of my memories but it depends on the person, if I hang out with them alot, I'll slowly regain my memories, but if I don't, then I'll only get small flashbacks. 

and I remembered all of my memories with him.

I could remember that he was the closest to me, not bliss.

I continued crying uncontrollably, I don't like it, I don't normally cry like this.

I mean there's nothing to lose right? I have to cry atleast for once, I don't want to look like a heartless monster.

"hey riks, can you go to my location right now?" I called my brother and sent him my location, "y/n you're at a hospital, anything happened?" he asked, "just go here, I'm at room 23, there's a name Infront of it, I'm sure you'll recognize the name." I hung up, I'm not in the mood to talk right now, he just had to know.

a couple of minutes later, someone came in budging in the room. "hey y/n... what happened?" riki came in and asked, "the driver said that he tried to kill himself, he got hit by a car, now he's in a comma." I explained bluntly, "a.. comma? why the hell would he try to kill himself?" he panicked, "I don't know, all I know is that he's tired of his problems, and couldn't take it anymore." why did I even name him Blythe when he's making me damned sad? you can't just do that, Blythe. 

my brother broke out in tears, but I couldn't care less. I was too focused on my thoughts about Blythe, I meant sehun.

a couple of hours, we were still there, looking at him as if the world is gonna end, riki was sitting at the opposite side of the room, while i sit beside the door.

someone entered the room, they looked like a nurse.

"ma'am, sir, visiting hours are over, you can go now." she smiled at us, I couldn't do anything anymore, I just stood up and went straight to Jay's car, riki was using a separate car, didn't matter if he was a minor.

we both went our own ways, I decided to stop by a grocery store, to buy something to fill my stomach with, I haven't even eaten breakfast yet and I spent my whole time in that hospital room with riki, he's eaten already while I haven't, so I'm too hungry.

I went inside the store, my face still flushed, I grabbed instant ramen, cooked it, then ate, all in the grocery store.

I couldn't bother doing anything right now, I mean, no one would recognize a teenage idol right? I'm not even that famous.

I threw my trash in the bin near me and went to Jay's car, drove it back to the dorms and went in enhypen's dorm instead of my own, riki wasn't there yet, no one was there. I was expecting atleast three or two members to be there but there was none.

I sat in their couch opened the tv and stared at it. i wasn't even paying attention to what I was watching.

sunoo's pov

I walked in the living room, I saw y/n staring at the tv coldly, her face was flushed and looked like she wasn't even paying attention to whatever was on the tv, what is she doing here though?

I waited for her to notice me so I stood there for long, minutes passed but she hasn't even seen me yet, so I walked up to her and sat beside her, I had a feeling that I shouldn't be rude to her today.

"hey y/n, is there anything wrong?" I patted her back, she didn't reply, but she started crying instead.

I hugged her and comforted her all I can, "sorry, I thought no one was here." she sniffled, "no, it's okay. can I ask what happened?" I asked, is this a bad question? am I too nosy? "a friend of mine, actually, a very very close friend of mine, is in a comma right now because apparently, he got hit by a car. and they said that he purposely did it, he tried killing himself." she explained, purposely? I don't believe that. "don't you think they're only saying that so the driver won't pay?" I asked, "no, he's suicidal. he's tried doing it a few times but I'm always there for him no matter what he does, but I guess not this time." she explained further.


"I'm sorry for that, maybe you should take a rest for a while? there's nothing to lose." I smiled at her, she just nodded and stood up, before she could leave, I grabbed her wrist.

"maybe you should stay here for a while, I think you might have a fever, your temperature is really warm, you shouldn't be alone, you need someone to take care of you, I can do that." I suggested, she stared at me for awhile, in disbelief, not long enough, she nodded.

I lead her to our room and let her sleep there, I gave her medicine and checked her temperature, she did have a fever, a really bad one, her temperature is too high. 39.5? what the hell.

a/n: hey my gays, I'm planning on finishing this book faster so yeah, slay stream fever

words: 1,293

date: 08.01.22

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