Back To My Old Ways...

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-One month later-

*Lissy Room*

Lissy- I laid on my bed thinking of everything that has happened in the past month. It has been one month since my encounter and kidnapping with Aaron Wright. Ever since then my Dad has been a bit more stricter and overprotective of me. He had loosened up a while back but after the whole thing with Aaron, my life has changed.

Here are a few examples, every night since then I have to give my phone to my Dad at 9:30 pm sharp, and let's just say I'm not happy about it.

My Dad says he doesn't trust me anymore to let me keep my phone with me at night. In the morning I'm allowed to have it back at 8:30 but only once I completed my morning chores. There are also certain restrictions on my phone. Now there are some certain apps and websites blocked now that weren't blocked before. I still have access to some of my social media apps but not everything I used to use.

Even though my Dad has a bit more control over my phone usage thankfully he doesn't go through my texts or my history. Even though I have given him every reason to do so, he hasn't done it yet.

But he did tell me if I ever got myself into trouble and if it involves my phone. I would lose my phone for a very long time and he wouldn't have a problem with looking through my phone If I got to that point. It's not like I have anything to hide from him.

He also told me that my having a phone is a privilege and if I abuse that privilege then I would lose the right to have privacy. He also told me that if I give him any reasons to go through my phone or my room he would tell me the reasons why.

I'm hoping that it won't get to that point but like I said I have given him multiple reasons to go through my phone. My Dad also went through different examples of when it would warrant him to do so. He explained that the only reason he would do that is for my protection and my safety.

Another thing that has changed is that he has put an app on my phone called Life360. It's an app that can pinpoint someone's whereabouts along with other things. But he mainly put it on there to make sure I make it safely to where ever I'm supposed to be. So that means I can't lie to him about where I'm going to be because he would be able to see. He also has it on his phone so that I can know where he is. He didn't just do it because of all that has happened but for both our safety and protection.

I also have an earlier curfew as well. It went from 10:30 to 9:00. He did tell me that over time when I start gaining his trust again then he would extend my curfew time and the same thing goes with the phone restrictions he has. 

Even though my Dad was extremely happy to have me back safe and sound he wasn't happy about how everything began. After I was home for about a day or so he sat me down and had an extremely long lecture with me about everything that happened. How I was irresponsible to meet up with a guy I barely knew and also to text an older man. I tried explaining to him I didn't know but he wasn't buying it. I may or may not have been rude and disrespectful during that talk. He didn't take that too lightly about my attitude. Let's just say that my butt was slightly sore that night.

At the end of the talk, he said he explained what my punishment was. I was grounded for one week for meeting up with a guy and lying to him. He said he didn't want to be too hard on me for everything that had gone on. He told me that I better be grateful he went gentle on me with that punishment. The whole phone thing and curfew thing is more a punishment than being grounded. I was so happy and grateful to be home. He said the only reason he is a bit stricter and more overprotective than he was is that he couldn't stand losing me again.

I can tell he loves me more than anything in the world. I'm slowly starting to gain my Dads trust again. He said that it was going to take some time. It isn't going to happen overnight where he automatically trusts me. He didn't say how long it was going to take but he said if I stay out of trouble and listen, obey, and be respectful then he would gain his trust sooner. 

Which is why I tried not to do anything to have my Dad upset or angry with me that past month. Of course, there have been times I mess up and get corrected for it. I've been improving on my behavior and attitude. My Dad said he was proud of me for working on it.

But to be completely honest with you. I'm itching to do something if you know what I mean. I've been miss goody-to shoes for way too long. It's driving me a bit crazy. I know what you thinking. Lissy, you are still somewhat on probation or punishment whatever you want to call it.

Why mess it up and get yourself into more trouble? Don't you want to have more freedom and gain your Dads trust again? This isn't the way to go. Well, that may be true but maybe it's time for me to go back to my old ways...

Lissy going back to her old ways??

What is Lissy up to??

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