What's Eclipsed? (12)

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(Hello! Hello! New Chapter and I have nothing else to say, so here you go! ^-^)


I was quiet the whole way, too busy concentrating to not yell in pain as the wound on my arm stung. The thing that made me nervous was that I could feel Baymax staring at me. "I made sure Baymax doesn't say anything." Tadashi said in my head and I sighed in relief. "But not for long." The good thing was Honey had parked in front of the Skyline Building. "Hey (y/n)?" Hiro asked before I opened the door. "Yeah?" "I kinda left Baymax's charging station behind, so you don't mind if I get it?" He said it like he was in a hurry. "No. Go 'head." He thanked me and I got out with Mochi who hopped out by me. "If you're going to come back, tell the front desk your name and then they'll help with the rest." "Got it." I turned to fast, hitting my wounded arm on the car door and barely managed to hold in my yell. "Oh my gosh are okay?!" Honey and Hiro asked and I nodded, trying not to let tears form. "Yeah, hit the funny bone." My voice was strained along with a forced smile, waving as they drove off. (Y/n), just hold it in until you get to your room. I said to myself, hearing Mochi follow the whole way to the elevator. Again I hit my arm as I walked through the elevator on the wall. Pain and room is all I could think of. Soon I went through the front doors of the penthouse and ran up the stairs to my room, but lucky me........my arm hit every flipping wall! In my room, I finally let it all out and stomping around. "HOLY FLIPPING PANCAKES! STUPID MARSHMALLOWS DEEPED IN CHEESY SAUCE! GODZILLA!" Be calm, be calm, you let out now (y/n). I took a deep breath after prep talking myself and sat at my desk.

"Wow. You topped off Hiro in such language. Never heard those before." Tadashi chuckled. I glared at him before pulling up my sleeve and remembered Mochi. "Did Mochi follow me in?" Tadashi nodded. "He got comfortable on your couch." "Oh, that's good I guess, so do you know where Hiro went exactly?" I asked getting a small bowl from the kitchen and a small towel. "Runaway Cable Car. I know they can handle this one, but do you know what happened to those people?" I slowly cleaned around the wound and sighed. "Sometimes it has different effects on people. It's like a spell or whatever you want to call it, but it's called Eclipsed. It manipulates the mind of any living thing, almost mind controlling. Whatever is Eclipsed, its body is open to whatever bad things are around and the spirit of the living things body is trapped in a cage. For example, those people had silver irises and acted like their bad selves. Some can remember and some can't." "Is there a way to stop it?" I nodded, "Yeah, but it's rarely. One way is if you have a strong heart and mind to break through because Eclipsed makes you trapped in your bad thoughts and memories. Another way is if the one who holds the main power source can control it and can wipe it with out any side effects." I stood, opening a containment in the wall that had medical supplies. "What is the power source?" "I can't tell exactly what they are yet, but there are two power sources." I stared at the wound, knowing it will leave a scar, unless...."Tadashi, think you can spare a little energy to help me heal this without a scar?" Tadashi smiled. "I guess, but how?" "Just considerate on the wound healing. The thing is, its going to hurt both of us, but bearable." Tadashi nodded before we both did what I said, feeling pain and then it washed away with a cool breeze. The wound was gone and I smiled. "Thanks Tadashi."

The living room phone rang and I quickly ran down to answer it. "Hello?" "(Y/n), it's Aunt Cass." A feeling of happiness washed through me. "Hey, are you feeling okay?" "Yeah, I am. Is Hiro there? I tried calling him, but he's not answering. Oh I hope he's not upset." "Um, he's in the bathroom right now." I said awkwardly, hearing Cass chuckle. "That's alright. Just tell him we will be staying the night, since Hiroshi insisted and the police are gonna do a quick run through at the cafe." I nodded. "Fine by me as long as you guys are safe." Cass hummed, then it got quiet for awhile. "Do think he's cute?" Well that was out of the blue. "Who?" She laughed. "Hiro. Who else?" I wonder why everyone keeps doing this to me, I mean I just barely meet Hiro and we became friends, actually feels like best friends, maybe a teensy-tiny crush that's.....oh gosh.....I sighed in defeat. "Okay I'll admit, he is cute....and adorable, but we're just friends, but that's not gonna stop you guys right?" Cass chuckled, "oh so you wanna take it slow? Get know him and what not?" I heard shuffling behind me and turned to see Hiro waving shyly. "I guess. Did you want to talk to Hiro?" I gave Hiro the phone telling him it was Aunt Cass. While they talked, I sat down next to Mochi who crawled onto my lap. "You remember me, don't you Mochi?" The cat purred and I scratched under his chin. "Mochi never got attached to anyone that fast before? You must be special."

Hiro plopped down next to and I laughed. "Yeah right, I just love cats that's all and Mochi probably senses that." Mochi rolled onto his back and Hiro tickled his tummy, making Mochi fight. It was adorable which brought another laugh to Hiro and I. "Found out Aunt Cass and I are going to stay the night. She told me to get supplies for Mochi and Hiroshi said you would get it." "Me?! He's got mon-" I stopped and smiled before running upstairs to Hiroshi's room. Finding his hidden money stash. In the desk leg, "Hiroshi, you need to learn to hide things better oooorrrr I'm just this awesome at tracking." I ran back down, now noticing a red box thing beside the door. "What's that?" I asked Hiro who waited by the box. "Baymax's charging station." We went out to the elevator and I pressed a button that lead to the level above the lobby. "Why are we stopping on that floor?" I looked confused. "I thought you knew about the Skyline Complex." Hiro shrugged. "I just know it's a new building for pent-houses and apartments, that's it." "Mm......" The elevator door opened and I casually walked out, like it's a normal day. "No way!" Hiro said in surprise.


(Thanks for reading everyone and Just a heads up....I'm making the next chapter with just you, Hiro, maybe a little Baymax and Mochi hanging out until Cass and Hiroshi get back. ^-^ Also thanks for the comments and what not =)

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