24: dilemma

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i got your back

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I hums a song whilst gliding my feet over the floor, on my way to where Dahyun is currently locked up because of her condition.

I can't still believe they give me a mission and now they're giving me access to Elites dorm.

I halt on my step when I recognize the familiar door where Jeongyeon dragged me to. It was my second day coming here. Thank goodness, the other elites attended their classes or i will be the number one talk of the crowd again.

I inhaled a breath and pushes the door open and see the room empty.

I wasn't really told to go here. I was tue one who voluntary went here and was surprise to see no one.

I hesitantly set a foot inside and with one last inhale, I completely pushes myself to walk in, closing the door behind me and began walking further the room.

I found the hall Rosé had showed me the other day, where the pale demon was currently lock up.

I sauntered trough the dim hall with my step echoing into the dead silence, stopping when I was able to see the steel door I saw yesterday.

With a touch of my fingertips, It was automatically open and sees a familiar figure standing before the chained Wrath or I must say Dahyun.

"Nayeon?" I blurted out which surprises her.

She turn to me with questioning gaze, "What are you doing here?"

I lift an eyebrow at her. "What do you mean?"

"Elites were the only demons that are allowed here."

"They give me access."

"What?!.. Why?!"

"To help you find a cure for my condition." a hoarse and deep husky voice bubbles out from Dahyun's throat, still had her head hung low— freezing my, entire being. What happened to her voice?

"Lack of use and sore throat." Nayeon stated who have probably read my thoughts as she gazed at me with unbelievable look.

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