The Thirteen Darknesses, Part 1: Galactic Juvy

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Negaverse; DNK Moonbase (Patrick Stewart, if you would do the honors?)

Gladly, Gamewizard. When we last saw all our friends in the Posiverse, Supreme Leader Cheren had abruptly revealed the coming of the Apocalypse just 3 days beforehand, and now everyone is scrambling to find twenty unnamed Keys and do whatever sort of self-realizing journey God has put them on. Down in the Negaverse, however, Supreme Leader Nerehc revealed the Apocalypse four months ago. Now as either world has only one month to prepare for this cataclysm, you can surmise how serious everyone must be taking it. The Negatives, actually, are treating it quite casually. It was only a month before when the danger of the DNKG was abolished, and the skies of Nega-Land are filled with light. Things have never been happier, so why should anyone worry.

Even Nerehc himself seems more lazy than usual, in his office on Moonbase. The paperwork was stacked and "filled"; so he claims, so now he was taking it easy, kicked back with his feet on the desk. He even had a strand of grass in his mouth, he wondered what was so cool about people having these. ...It wasn't bad. He sat up quick when his door opened, spitting the grass out as Ininap and Sicnarf walked in. "So um, Nerehc, summer is just around the corner, and based on your info, the Apocalypse should be happening by then, so... what're we gonna do about it?" Sicnarf asked.

"Beats me."

"B-But we can't just sit here and let it happen." Ininap stuttered.

"Well, I don't know what to do, according to Smiley or whatever he's called, the Positives are gonna be doing most of the work. The Seven Lights and Thirteen Darknesses are in their world, so..."

"Yeah, but wasn't the point of Meet Your Match Day back then to have both sides get to know each other?" Sicnarf questioned. "That way, we can fight together and have a better chance at winning."

"Maybe, but we never got around to planning another Match Day, because Cheren's crew is always busy. Makes sense. It's kinda been hard for us too, considering a lot of our operatives were traitors."

"But they've been better after Innus returned them to their normal sizes, haven't they?" Ininap asked.

"It isn't just them, the DNKG members and all their allies, they're still pretty sour. The Nimbi and the merkids are still fighting, we've still got scuffles with the Hsinim, even with this Apocalypse in mind, we can't convince them to get along. That's our real priority at the moment."

"Wouldn't it be better to just forget the DNKG kids?" Sicnarf replied. "They've been total psychos since going to Galactic Juvy. It's too risky to even let them meet their Positives."

"True, but we know some people that might help." Ininap informed with a nervous grin. "Remember our cousin, Ayamik and her friends?"

"I thought about it, but they're too classy. They wouldn't agree to it."

"If they did, would they be able to help?" Nerehc wondered.

"Depends on who can stand the other's company."

"You got me hooked." Nerehc stood up. "Take me to your cousin's house, I wanna see what's so 'classy' about them."

"If you want to." Sicnarf shrugged. "I should warn you about our aunt, Imak. And why we never invite her to Ingratefultaking dinner."

"Can't be any worse than Aluben."

Yltraeh Household

Sicnarf and Ininap kept a safe distance while Nerehc knocked on the door. A blonde-haired woman with cold green eyes, a ragged tank-top, and black shorts swung open the door, knocking Nerehc back. "The fuck do you want?" Imak Yltraeh (een Yksvolird) shouted, munching on a taco.

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