Pirate Wars, Part 4: The Tactical Magician

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It's time to begin the Retaliation Arc of the war!


The Gungi board sat in eternal stalemate. The white and black pieces were patient and ready on their respective sides, but no orders were issued. The Ant King expected no less after returning to his base. He had begun to fear it would remain in stasis forever. But now there was hope. "Sire." Ridley walked in. "Why did you let the DNK have the Gungi Champion? With our equipment, we could've easily treated-"

"The DNK are more honorable than our crew, Ridley. Our equipment is primarily designed to physically or genetically remodel people. I want no such things done to Komugi."

"But the DNK are our enemies! They'll find a way to save Ydolem and keep Komugi protected. One of us needs to go and supervise them!"

"You and the other officers will remain where I assigned you. The DNK have their duty to fight this war, as do we. And victory will go to whoever's the strongest... and the smartest." He thought of that girl from the moon. "And I have a feeling... our matches are already set."


The commanders were stationed at different areas around the Bioless. Other DNK ops, including rescued Arim prisoners, were on other parts of the Titan, fighting Meta-Beasts. Half the Gem Pirates, consisting of Nega-IC and Atnort, started from the left shoulder protrusion that was situated against the ground beneath the sea, while Yddam, Ylime, Okam, and the other aliens (minus Annaira and Avakam) ran up the right protrusion.

"Ah, welcome back, my little runaways!" A giant, orange dragonfly ambushed Ikuyim's group. "Here to return to your cozy little prisons? If I capture all you, I'm bound to get a marvelous promotion!"

"You know the plan, guys." Atnort said. "Run ahead and I'll deal with him."

"Alol, stay behind for support." Ikuyim ordered. "The rest of us will run ahead."

"Got it!"

"Not so fast!" Ripto spat fire at them, but Ikuyim stomped up some boulders in defense. Atnort shot Ripto with a jolt of lightning, leaving his team to keep going. "Fine, forget it! Separating is only gonna make you weaker in the long run!"

"We're just being efficient, that's all!" Atnort lit up. "The faster we take you all down, the faster we'll win this war!" (Music: "Dogadon 1" from DK64!)

Ripto flew quick circles around Atnort, spitting fireballs. Atnort dodged with lightning speed and zapped bolts at Ripto's face. The dragon grew fatigued and flew up onto a tall pillar to rest. Atnort tossed his two Shock Discs up, shooting lightning at them before they directed it against Ripto's horn like a rod. Ripto growled and took flight again. He began to muster huge sums of chi in his breath and spit walls of fire, but Atnort rode his discs up and over the walls. He flew at Ripto, who swung his tail, but Atnort aimed the discs like a shield and flashed an electric barrier, stunning the dragon. Atnort zapped his wings and made him fall to the ground.

As both landed, Ripto began to bounce around the ground and make forceful shockwaves. Atnort tossed a disc to drill along the ground, sending an electric current to it as it got underneath Ripto to zap him. Atnort followed with another shock to the horn. Ripto recovered his flight and flew higher, his whole body igniting with Fury as he spat meteors around the earth. Atnort, remembering his battle with Nerehc, rode his discs and engaged the dragon in the air, activating Thunder Rod Fury. He tanked Ripto's tail whacks with electro jolts, but Ripto himself endured them and kept on the offensive. Atnort was swatted away, but he zipped around the air until he recovered his discs, zapping fast laser-bolts at the dragon's center.

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