The Shores of War

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Phew! That twist has been LOOOONG in the making! With that, though, this'll be the last session before the war. Lol I actually first started this series around the time I began Pirate Wars, we're finally caught up there!

-300 years ago, Yvad Senoj was a scientist from Nedews, a man who crafted all kinds of things with his metalbending. His dream was to fly to space one day, and as he continued to make this wish to the stars... it came true. A meteor crashed in the distance one night, so Senoj ran to investigate it. The meteor was made of some kind of malleable metal, emitting some kind of glow from the inside. But when Senoj went into the meteor... a force overpowered him, stripping Senoj of his flesh and transforming him into a metallic being.

An alien ship tracked the meteor all the way to Earth, picking it up with cranes. It carried the meteor back to space and made flight to its home planet, Tnacsuroc. But it was then Senoj climbed to the deck and greeted the crew. He was delighted to have his dream realized, not caring of his condition, and the crew was awestruck to see a man having become a machine. No doubt... this meteor possessed the secret to extended life. By converting flesh into metal, people could virtually live forever.

Senoj joined the crew on a quest to find dying mortals and use the meteor's chi to turn them into "robots." For Senoj's help in this mission, Tnacsuroc decided to name a town by his choosing: Jargenford. As Senoj was a scientist, he used lots of technical jargon. "Eh, you kind of spelt it wrong—okay."

Senoj enjoyed his new work in restoring others to life... but sometime afterward, he learned what was going on behind the scenes. The navy was trying to "reprogram" these people to serve the navy and fight for them. And now that Senoj knew the truth, they tried to "reprogram" him as well, but Senoj overpowered them and took what robots he could. From then, Senoj decided to become a pirate, continuing to "Roboticize" fallen souls and add them to his crew as they sailed the stars. He had installed a special satellite on his ship, the Swimming Swede, to sense masses of metal across vast distances in space.

Of course, by now, the Tnacsuroc government set up wanted posters across Aixalag, cautioning travelers of the threatening Senoj. Many of them tried a hand at Senoj's bounty, but they met robotic fates at his hand. In time, Senoj started to embrace his new role as a pirate. On top of the adventure, becoming the most feared scallywag in space and crushing the opposition was kind of fun. And it isn't like he enforced control over his crew, the Robbos. He mostly just threatened victims with death if they didn't surrender.

But not long after his tyrannical debut, they landed on a unique asteroid with glowing craters. On that asteroid was none other than Earth God, Regigigas. "Downloading explanation: that meteor you discovered was a relic designed by myself and Deoxys. The Naixalags learned of its nature and pursued it to your galaxy... and by some divine fate, it crashed near you." The god viewed up and saw a twinkle in the stars. "It was designed for people to have an eternity to explore and gain knowledge, whilst your technical mortality had ended. But, as with most mortals and divine relics, you have misused your gift. Now, face punishment."

"I don't think so-ah." Though Senoj was grabbed in Regigigas' bending, he bent his ship from afar to blast an array of lasers at the god, striking his weak points in the six eyes. Regigigas summoned his Regis to fight Senoj's crewmen, whom were able to use their own bending in their robotic bodies. But though the pirates prevailed and sailed away, Regigigas was able to blast Senoj with a special curse: he couldn't enter a planet's atmosphere but once every 10 years, or he would rust. There was a way around it: by putting himself in an airtight container, he could be brought down to a planet, though there was yet to be a practical reason to do this.

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