Minus Dollars

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Time to showcase our next group of Nega-Kids! Not stationed to any treehouse, they're always on the road, seeing the sights, and swiping goodies from under your nose!

Chapter -1$: Train Heist

The Separate Proprietors of Child Trafficking were one of the worst organizations in the universe. They controlled several toy stores, candy shops, and other places for the purpose of luring and capturing children. Children sold for different prices based on race, ability, and Power Level, and they were always hunting for the rarest in each category.

First, there was Honest Repooc, a Moebian raccoon with shiny white fur and an ugly frown. Fixit was a Xabmol, a catlike alien from Planet Sloon, accompanied by his robot henchman, Klunk (whom he purchased from an acquaintance in the Posiverse). Trombo-Ocarina were a sentient bear and bird duo from Ralava, and they often played a dreary theme song on their self-named instruments. Kaj and Retxad were a long-nosed human and his pet Ottsel from Planet Arim; Kaj was an expert swordsman, yet was rather dimwitted, so Retxad was the true leader of their little duo. Finally, there was Hsa Freum, a human from Planet Ékop, and a master Nomékop Tamer.

The Bandit Van was in pursuit of a train belonging to Freum's crew. "There it is, gang." said Lorac Nosretsam, leader of the Minus Dollar Thieves. "According to ThiefNet, that train is full of Freum's monstrous Nomékop. We'll have to act now if we wanna save the children before they reach their destination."

"I'm ready when you are!" Acificap Southeast cheered, ropes ready. She wore a cowboy hat, patterned blue shirt, and ripped jeans with brown slip-on shoes.

"Do you think we could try to secure a few Nomékop to study?" asked Ssiew Eenhcs. She had short white hair and a light-green sundress with thorn designs and green slip-on shoes.

"That may not be a good idea." Leic Spirithive replied with a sheepish smile. He had smooth, bluish-black hair, angel wings, and a white gown with sleeves that seemed too large for his skinny body. It left his hands barely exposed and ended at the knees of his bare legs. "I don't think even you would be able to tame those beasts."

"Maybe you could turn them into butterflies with your magic sword thingy?"

"Silly, you know I'm only allowed to use that on spirits! Besides, this job wouldn't be nearly as fun if I could."

"Setting the van to autopilot." Lorac announced. "Gang, prepare to board!"

Acificap tossed a lasso to a peg under one of the train cars, holding it tightly as her three teammates clambered across. When Lorac's would-be team signed up for Arctic Training, she made them master the same Thief Style techniques that she utilizes, and they proved excellent at the art. An outsider wouldn't expect much from such shabby-looking kids, and it's true they weren't packed with power like some operatives, but if one failed to keep an eye on them, they would find them gone in the next second, along with their possessions.

The kids crossed the rope and climbed along the underside of the train until they found a hatch to go in. Lorac peeped up, seeing they were behind a Blastoise (I'm not gonna alter the Pokémon names, that would be a nightmare). They slipped in the car quietly, their chi focused to be totally silent. Leic quietly cracked open the window, and they all slipped out and sidled along the side of the train.

They crouched to slip under some windows to avoid detection from Pidgeys, who would immediately swoop out if they spotted intruders. They slipped in a vent on the next car, then clambered along the ceiling above sleeping Skitties. They made it to the outer platform of a prison car and peeked in the window: a muscular boy with blonde hair was chained by his wrists and legs while three Raichu were continuously zapping him. He had a ripped light-brown top, shorts, and baggy shoes. A Squirtle was watching either door.

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