The Thirteen Darknesses, Part 2: Lost and Looking

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EiznekCm Household

Nerehc landed in the front yard of his house with Egroeg and AlyakAm in tow. "I sent a text message to my girlfriend." He told the siblings. "So expect a sudden Apparition. 3... 2... 1..."

"DISRESPECT!" Neither of the three were startled by the witch's sudden appearance. "What can I do for my boy toy today?" Sipa asked with a bright smile.

"These two wanna meet their Positives." Nerehc replied, gesturing the gloomy-faced duo. "I'm not sure if Cheren's in his room, so I need you to open a portal if he isn't."

"Okay, sure." Sipa shrugged. "Think I'll chat up my own Positive while we're there. Tell her that I'm a changed person!" She raised her arms happily.

"The other day, you magically switched a person's face with their butt." Nerehc reminded as they entered the house. He heard a pot boiling in the kitchen, so assumed his mother was there.

"For poetic justice reasons." His girlfriend contradicted. They made it to Nerehc's room and faced his mirror. Sipa jiggled her wand and called, "Dimentio Flippow."

The mirror became a portal to the Posiverse. "Now remember guys, you're allowed to cause mayhem in their world, just let people know who you really are after a while." Nerehc instructed.

"Of course." AlyakAm replied. "We'll take it to our hearts like Numbness Serum."

"Now, I'm not sure if Cheren's people are still uncomfortable with the Apocalypse, so just-" Nerehc and Sipa were stabbed in the hips by syringes. They both collapsed on the floor, unconscious.

"I must say, it is quite fun drugging people." Egroeg said as he and his sister entered the vortex.

"Do not try anything to me." AlyakAm told him. "I've memorized all techniques and can drug you during your breath."

Somewhere dark (Play "Old Doll" from Mad Father.)

"Nnnnmm..." Nerehc still felt numb in every part of his body as he woke up. It was pitch-black in here, so he took off his sunglasses to see. "Where am I... Hello? Sipa? Egroeg? AlyakAm?"

The padding of sandaled footsteps against the floor rang across the space. Nerehc saw the girl emerge. Aquamarine hair, a dress depicting a shadowed graveyard under a night sky with yellow moon, and a wide mouth and purple eyes that gave Nerehc the chills. Her face was in stitches, and had a dark-pink coat with a burned crown attached to the lowered hood. She held a doll of himself. "Hello, Nerehc!"

The boy raised a brow. "Um... hi?"

"It's nice to meet you!" Her peppy attitude was clearly forced. "My name is Ragus. This is you. Isn't you pretty?" She grinned and held his doll by both arms.

"Are you a fan of me?"

"Not me, in particular. But my master is! She's an exceptional fan of yours. Her name is Medusa!"

"Oh. You mean like the Positive Asudem?"

"Well, Asudem is a myth. Medusa is real. Lots of things are real, actually. Like the end of the world."

"You mean the Apocalypse."

"Yes. You must know the story. The Goddess of Light, Palutena, is responsible for finding the Seven Lights. Medusa, Goddess of Darkness, however... must seek the Darknesses."

"Yeah, what's your point?"

She glided closer to him, not moving her legs. Her wide, creepy face was inches from his. "Medusa needs people to find the Darknesses. She can't physically do it herself. Gods cannot interfere with mortal affairs, even under doomsday. That's why... she's asking you."

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