Vs. the Under Army

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The battle with the Under Army begins now!

At the end of the Voyage, Nerehc bid his Negatives farewell as he ventured to the Posiverse to aid the KND in their quest. Ikuyim also went there to pair up with her fellow Earth Children. The other Negatives promised to hold down the fort, but were unsure what to do for a time.

Luckily, the Under Army were there to answer their question. During an ordinary day, all the computers in all the treehouses suddenly started glitching! Xedni was especially panicking, mashing the keypad frantically, but she couldn't retake command of her device. The blank face of none other than Tabuu appeared on the screens. The computers rumbled, and they all exploded. All the treehouses were swallowed in tremendous bubbles of digital darkness.

The DNK woke up in the darkness, royally confused as all the many sectors seemed to be there, from the former DNKG, Nega-MG, Nega-$, Newbase, and the veteran sectors. There were murmurs of confusion, some suspecting this had something to do with what was happening in the Posiverse. It was then they realized eight figures were surrounding them, perched on tall platforms. Sauron's ominous eye skimmed around the many operatives, focusing on Hcaz, Ibyf, Lirpa, and Aliehs. "Four of the-"

"Four targets detected!" Megatron interrupted him.

"Hey, I'm the all-seeing eye, let me scan them!" Sauron argued.

"My scanners can detect five billion life-forms at once!"

"Silence, you fools!" Tomura shouted. "Only four of the Lights' Negatives are here!"

"It matters not." Father replied. "So long as we slay at least one of them, it should satisfy His Lordship. Under Army, attack!"

Megatron blasted his particle beam and Sauron a Combustion Beam, Ydnew throwing her hands up at either and forming portals to catch the beams. The other villains dropped down: Salem stretched Dark Arms to snatch Ibyf, Yllas and Yevrah tossing bladed tops to cut them, only for the witch to freeze them with an ice spell. Tomura smacked the ground to turn it into a sinkhole, the kids falling, and he dodged his way around the Negatives up to Aliehs, intending to decay her, but Eirik blew him away with a soundwave.

Altair conjured swords and cast them at Lirpa, Sipa turning them into flowers. She then cast a Blast Spell at Altair, who stood patiently as a barrier protected her. Nollid applied his own magic while Ydnew shot Starbursts, but Altair's barrier remained impenetrable as she threw more swords to cut their hips. Flowey ensnared Nega-JP and -SA in vines, bashing them against the ground, Father willed the sand to harden and become metal, trapping ZR and -L in metal encasings. Megatron blasted at some Negatives, the ground exploding and knocking them into the air.

"This was too easy." Altair remarked. "Werdna taught us everything about your abilities, yet you all were drastically unprepared. Well, Tabuu, would you like to collect some trophies?"

Tabuu's blank eyes were brimming with unseen passion. His butterfly wings formed, and he prepared to unleash a shockwave that would defeat all the Negatives. But it was then another figure flew up and SLASHED Tabuu, stopping his attack. The person landed on their feet, bent for a second before rising to full height. She wore a sleeveless black jacket, purple tank-top undershirt, knee-high ragged jeans, black sneakers, long blonde hair that draped down to her back, and haunting mustard-yellow eyes.

Viceroy of the Mischiefs
"Dread Fusion" MELISSA MASK

Melissa drew twin submachine guns and unloaded upon the Under Army, the bullets even puncturing Megatron's armor, and Tomura suffered some shots as he quickly moved his hands to decay some bullets. Altair cast a storm of swords at the intruder, but Melissa drew her demonic saber, Krallux, lashing it at blinding speed to slice up Altair's swords. Megatron leapt to crush her, but Melissa easily sliced his leg off.

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