The Thirteen Darknesses, Part 10: Dead

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KND Moonbase

"So, you're ready?" Cheren said into his phone. "Alright... I'll meet you there. I just need to collect my group first. See you soon, Kid." He hung up.

"Is it time?" Panini asked.

"Yeah... we're going to meet him in the town square."

"Cheren, Miyuki's back!" Francis called. "They brought some people with them!"

Cheren exited his office to see Miyuki and Melody approach. They were accompanied by a brown-haired girl and a familiar blue-haired girl. "Wendy!"

"Hello, Cheren!" Wendy greeted happily.

"ANOTHER girlfriend?!" Panini yelled with disapproval.

"You wish! Wendy, who is this girl?"

"Name's Samantha! I wanted to join the Kids Next Door."

"So do I!" Wendy followed. "I heard you guys were planning to fight the World Leaders and I wanted to help."

"Well, by all means, feel free to help. But Arctic Training is kind of suspended at the moment. This Apocalypse business is making everyone go nuts."

"Oh... I understand. But I'll do my very best to help out!"

"Ha ha, great!" Cheren grinned. "Anyway, Miyuki, I wanna take you on a mission. We're going to the Underworld, so we need to get you a Life Ring. Kid said he would have some. Let's go get Nerehc."

Miyuki followed him and Panini with worry on her features. The Underworld... is this when it happens? "Cheren, why are we going to the Underworld?"

"We're going to meet Majora."

"!" Miyuki gasped. Unable to think of a follow-up question, she followed them at a quicker pace.

"Yeah, I thought you would." Cheren smirked.

"I guess I'm gonna have to wait to join, huh?" Wendy asked her mother.

"Perhaps this is good. We need to find a way to rid you of your Horcrux curse." Carla replied.

"I agree... but I have to admit, it has made me stronger." Wendy stared at her hand. "It could be useful... but it feels wrong using my dad's power. ...Well, let's go talk to some people!" she said happily. "You never know which ones we'll be seeing every day!"

Underworld Prison

A centaur-driven chariot pulled up to the gates of Underworld Prison. The prison was surrounded by a great stone wall and the only entrance was through sapphire flame gates. The chariot parked by the gate guard, a Fatblin in black armor. "Halt. This is a restricted area. What business have you?"

"I'm the Grim Reaper's son, you disproportioned mess of a mountain." Death the Kid, the chariot's passenger, stated aggressively. "I demand you let me in. I'm here to see a certain prisoner."

"Hurrrr..." The Fatblin looked at a list of approved people: below Grim Reaper and Velma Green, Kid's name was listed. "Ukay. But I need to do a disguise test. Step out of the cart, Mr. Reaper."

Kid climbed out of the chariot. The Fatblin raised a bucket of magic water and poured it over him. Kid was infuriated by the soaking, but nothing else happened. "Okay... In you go." The Fatblin clapped and disabled the flames.

"Thank you." Kid passed and headed for the entrance to the small, two-floor building. Inside was the giant desk belonging to the prison's new warden, Magellan, a huge bat demon in a black coat and horns.

"Hmm?" Magellan looked down and saw Kid. "Your Majesty. Welcome back. Is there any word regarding the Blackbeard matter?"

"We're closing in on the case." Kid answered. "As a matter of fact, I'm here to visit a certain prisoner: Dimentio Z. Winkiebottom."

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