The Thirteen Darknesses...less

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So, we already know that the Negatives were tasked into finding the Thirteen Darknesses during the main saga, with certain Negatives getting some screen time. However, a ton of other things transpired within that same timespan, and they're naturally paralleled with side-plots in the Posiverse. They weren't relevant to the grander story, and to actually write them out would've subtracted from those side-plots. But a little description doesn't hurt!

The Ellednera Volcano

Though Planet Aicalg was normally a frostbitten planet, there was only one volcano. The first citizens of Ellednera built their kingdom around it, but the volcano was home to a spirit, Heatran, who was enraged at the trespassers and threatened to erupt and melt them all. Heatran was thwarted by Groudon, God of Lava, but he refused to obey the god and was thus destroyed. However, Groudon knew Heatran would reform one day within his volcano, so the god blessed a mortal boy with God Chi, which would be powerful enough to combat Heatran once he was trained enough.

"Ugh, I know why the Negatives had to exist, but still, they just make our job harder." Groudon complained. "Hopefully, they can take care of their selves with that bit of chi."

Heatran would reform over and over for centuries, but Groudon's God Chi would be reborn when the old lavabender passed away, and they continued to protect the kingdom from the volcano's rage. That was until -300 years ago, when the new lavabender, Anna was born. The poor girl was overwhelmed by the responsibility, especially with how bad she was at lavabending. She made friends with a rather dorky boy named Snah, and throughout their childhood to late teenage years, they always played together and goofed off. One day, she received a heavy scolding from her sister, Asle, for neglecting her training, and Anna was pushed into running away.

It was the worst possible time to throw a fit, because Heatran returned: his wrath brought destruction to Ellednera, killing everyone in molten lava. Even Snah was dead, but Anna was able to protect herself with her lavabending. She ran from the lava's range, but nothing would erase the guilt in her heart. Overwhelmed with pain and despair, she ran from what used to be her kingdom. She became lost in Aicalg's snows, and because she had never been cold in her life, she was helpless. Her Lava Chi could not keep her from freezing solid.

In the current time, a kindhearted spirit boy by the name of Leic Spirithive learned of the incident from the former citizens of Ellednera, after they all made it to Spirit World. Anna was nowhere to be seen, so the citizens assumed she was trapped in the Underworld for her selfishness. Leic descended to the Underworld in search of her, but found nothing. Through investigation, he learned that Anna was frozen within the wastes of Aicalg, un-aged, unmoving, but alive.

Leic was able to find Anna's frozen form. He softly embraced her, and entered her Subconscious. It was soulless, empty, and white, like that of someone who had long given up. "But it really matches my gown!" Leic giggled. "Huh?" He then noticed a tiny presence, miles away. He flapped his angel wings and flew to it, finally meeting Anna. "There you are! C'mon, you've been asleep long enough, up and at 'em!"

Anna didn't bother to ask why this angel showed up in her dreams. "Go away." was all she said.

"Is it 'cause you're an ice statue? Relax, as long as your mind is still active, you can still bend! Just heat up your Lava Chi and unfreeze yourself."

"Don't you think I would've done that by now? What's the point? My people are all dead... because of me. I don't deserve to live, and I don't deserve to die either. I just deserve to be alone... forever."

"Sigh... I feared you might say something like that. So, I brought a friend to be lonely with you!"

"Hello, Anna!" Snah jumped out from behind him, waving goofily.

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