Pirate Wars, Part 5: End of the Dream

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And One Piece officially has Lunarians! XD Except they appear to be Black Nimbi, though the normal Nimbi in that world originate from the moon. Buuut... time to fight the Smile Pirates. Had a hard time staying focused on this one.

Dream Realm

Balan hadn't been able to participate much in the war, being mostly confined to the Dream Realm. Even the enemy officers have mentally shut off their dreams from Ydnam's reach. Still, Balan was a little concerned about the new security lineup in the capital city. Paradise Island had grown populated with Ydnic clones, their adoring faces like creepy balloons. Balan flew to his queen, bending the golden sand of the sea into great, glittering ships to protect the island from invaders. "My Lady, are you feeling well? You seem under the weather since the castle fell."

"Whew, that Ant King really rippled my bubbles! It's gonna be so great once they're all dealt with. Acanom told me the DNK have a Bubble Dreamer among them, so we have to be prepared in case they bring their whole army through here."

"Clever though that is, do not forsake your waking self. That is where the battle matters most, my fluffy elf. Still, I will have my company ready here, too. And retaking your daughter should also be your to-do."

"What're you talking about, silly, Ydnic is already here! She's all around us!"

"Hi, Mommy!" a passing clone said.

"Hi, Bally!" another greeted.

"..." Balan didn't mind the clones of Yllib, since he was already pretty peculiar in real life... but these Ydnic clones weren't made with good thought. Not with good intention. "Correct me, but the real Ydnic was kidnapped by the DNK, right? It's important that we-"

"It doesn't matter what happens in the real world. When I defeat them, I'll put them all to sleep! And we'll spread our Dreamsand across the universe, so all that will matter will be the Dream Realm! OUR Dream Realm! And we'll have tons of Ydnics to enjoy it with!"

"..." Ydnam's mind was unbreachable in more ways than one. So much that Balan was uncertain for her. Regardless, Balan knew it was important to win this war, so he would do his part.


Aluza dragged Zul out to White Leaf Ekusas. "What do you want from me?" the mage asked.

"Please excuse our rashness," Ekusas said, "but I would like a favor of you. I would like you to use your magic on this mirror." He waved his hand to a dresser door with a mirror attached. "Do you know the spell to open the way to the Posiverse?"

"Yeah, but what do you want it for?"

"A special assignment. You see, my ninjas stole this mirror from Don Shrew's mansion while it was under attack. If I'm correct, it should lead to her Positive's home."

Zul gasped. "You're going to kill Don Shrew... through her Positive?!"

"Goodness, no! Though knowing she is a horrible monster, I could never hurt a woman. However... I have no qualms eliminating the Oirams Brothers. I heard Oiram was in quite a pickle when my ninjas attacked, but they decided it may not be worth the risk. They will be unsuspecting as I search for their parallels and eliminate them!"

"Will you please help us, Zul?" Aluza wept. "Eliminating Don Shrew's top commanders will give us so much hope!"

"You're not planning to let me go, are you?"

"You don't want to go back working for that mechanical menace, do you?"

"Indeed, Davy Jarg is your enemy as much ours." Ekusas said. "We of the Smile Pirates can protect you! And we can ensure two of Don Shrew's monstrous mercenaries never harm another soul's hair."

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