One Kcajed-up Halloween

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I wanna blow through this story ASANow, but I can't. X( Eh, put more energy in the important chapters.

Chapter -12: One Kcajed-up Halloween

Dnalevelc, Ainigriv

Once upon a time, there lived a man named Kcaj Nretnal'O, who lived in Startsville, whose goal in life was to help people with his magical abilities. Everywhere he went, he examined those around him and cast a special charm on anyone who'd look like they needed it. Everyone in Startsville was happy... in his opinion. Actually, his spells were horribly inconvenient and ruined almost everyone's lives. He planted a curse that prevented a married couple from leaving each other, aged a 7-year-old 30 years so he could get onto a ride he was too short for, and turned a girl into a flower when he wondered dreamily what it would be like to be one. Kcaj caused so much chaos throughout the town, the President of Startsville had him beheaded on -31 Rebotco.

They figured he was trying to copy from the legendary Anti-Fairy, Adnicul Nizlat, who lived on Planet Ralava and granted the most wonderful gifts to all her citizens, and everyone loved her. An Elfin named Lepmur became her apprentice sometime before her death 20 years ago, and while he mimicked her gift-giving talents to excellent respectability, Kcaj did not. He was a pain to deal with every Halloween, and they couldn't imagine anyone like him.

Yet by some divine prank, Kcaj's body had survived, and using a spell, he carved a face into a pumpkin, placed it on his body, and let it serve as his new head. It was on the same day as the time when Nightmares and demons were at their strongest, and people honored them. Kcaj took that as a sign from those above him, that on every Halloween, he may roam the streets in his immortal body and grant the gifts he's always given. His mission was a just one.

Now Halloween was a far more celebrated holiday than Christmas, since Negative Land had no gods and were treated as monsters, they felt it fun to actually dress as and honor their fellow demons, or whatever the heck they felt like dressing up as. But this Halloween, Kcaj was planning another return, and has found a rather curious book in the ruins of some mountain in West Ainigriv: a Book of Shadows, which had written some very ancient, powerful spells, and Kcaj could feel the magical energy resonating from it. One spell was called the 'Curse of Monsters,' invented by Nightmare King Darkrai I himself. And with this spell, he knew the perfect gift to give the celebrators of Halloween this year.

Down in the suburbs, Nerehc and Ininap were walking the streets as a beetle and mouse, and kids in costumes all around were going to houses and delivering candies, 'cause that's what Halloween was about. "I must admit, I-I'm a wee bit, surprised you, dressed as a beetle, Sir." Ininap stuttered. "Yer usually, uh, scared of 'em."

"Yeah, Sipa plans to ask me if I wet my pants while I'm in it, and if I didn't, 'said she'd turn me into a beetle for real."

"W-Will she be meetin' with us, today?"

"Nah, she usually spends Halloween performing rituals, the evil energy's at its strongest this time of year, she never likes to waste it 'Says she's inching closer and closer to eternal damnation."

"Well I-I hope she gets there soon, 'cause um... you know, that's her religion then."

They passed plenty of their other friends who were wearing costumes, too. Lorac sewed together a costume of Robin Hood—not his good-for-nothing Negaverse counterpart, the Positive Lorac suspected him to be, and a man to really admire. Nosam dressed as Aivuj from a show called Fairy Tail, because he deemed her extremely similar to his lovely Lorac (yes, it's the Edolas Juvia :P). Nollid dressed as Yrrah Rettop, because he despised his father... and a bunch of other miscellaneous costumes regarding opposite concepts that'd take forever to name, just come see 'em on the wiki.

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