Pirate Wars, Part 7: The Orbital Archipelago

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Let's see how long it'll take me to get motivated to finish this.

Tnacsuroc (Music: "Smokey Peak" from DK Returns.)

The Weapon Refineries were comparable to a volcano, flooded with molten metal and the smiths only able to work on islands or platforms suspended above the lava. "Cough! Mean, it's so steamy in here!" Asia said. She and Lirpa had infiltrated the factory via a vent, letting off on a walkway just above the lava. "I'll have a hard time bending in here."

"Please, hot air is still air."

"It's hard to breathe, okay?! I don't know why we didn't consider getting Ikuyim's sister. Yllehs could've gotten her to cooperate. Or, heck, Yllehs could've helped. We still haven't ruled out if this guy's a Logia."

"I still feel confident taking him on my own."

"If you say so."

Lirpa jumped stable platforms and used Haki to kick down Lava Bubbles, Magtails, and any fire-coated creature that targeted her. There were metal barrels that would bob in the lava from her steps. She had to jump up slanted platforms alongside a wall, with lavafalls pouring every few seconds over certain areas. They would reach larger areas where soldiers would attack with fiery ball-and-chains or burning swords. There was an area where Lirpa had to run up a slide and jump globs of lava that would flow by. And because we need more Donkey Kong homages, there was a segment where they had to ride a small hot air balloon across the lava. Asia used airbending to steer them around and keep them elevated.

The girls entered a large cauldron with a wide, grated foothold. Asia offered to hold back a horde of soldiers while Lirpa crossed the bridge to the obvious boss arena. A mass of lava emerged through the grate and shaped Vice-Admiral Mada. "HAH! Just the filly I wanted to see! Well, with a bod like that, you ain't that much of a filly. You're just about -17, right?"

"EW!! Where are you going with this?! And I don't turn until Lirpa!"

"I'll put it straight, chickadee! My time ran out a while ago! Only just unhooked my chi-blocks 'cause I knew you were coming. I...I can't hold on, anymore..." Mada began trembling, morphing into a golem of lava.

"W-What?!" Lirpa backed up in terror. "What are you?!"

"I ate the Human-Human Fruit, Model: Cherufe. I can only control the volcano spirit inside me... if I eat a virginal maiden once every month. I need to eat a new one now!"

"V-Virginal?!" Lirpa flushed in offense. "That's none of your business, buddy! Is the reason you were keeping me as your maid so you could fucking eat me?!"

"I had a whole line of ladies willin' to die for me, but ain't none of them were fiery like you. You got the right juice for me, Lirpa. If I eat you, I might have enough control for TWO months!"

"Wow... you'd have to be a seriously cracked virgin to eat a Devil Fruit like that. Maybe we made a mistake with this matchup after all. Oh well." Lirpa hardened her leg and KICKED Mada up in the jaw, knocking him into the lava. "You'll still be fine for a workout." (Music: "Fleet Glide Galaxy" from Mario Galaxy!)

Mada emerged from one side of the platform, spitting lava balls that Lirpa easily evaded. When she got closer, the beast swiped his molten hands at her, but Lirpa's kicks were superior as she deflected them. He dug his hands beneath the lava and tried to emerge them from beneath Lirpa, molding through the grate. With each dodge, she threw a kick at the arms, but Mada suddenly thrusted a fist from his chest. Her shoes hardened, Lirpa ran up the molten arm without getting burned and KICKED Mada upside the chin. As he reeled back, Lirpa ran up the slanting arm and kicked the wrist before dropping to the foothold. The beast backed up a great distance and threatened to charge Lirpa head-on. Lirpa raced back across the bridge, crouched down, and scraped her shoes along the bridge. When Mada charged, Lirpa dashed as well, so both met in the center of the field as Lirpa thrusted a leg deep into his stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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