Of Stones and Sticks

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Hello, everyone. Let's start this chapter with a little throwback. ;)

Chapter -19: Of Stones and Sticks

Dnalevelc Park

"Siiigh, what will I do to impress my lovely Lorac this time." Nosam thought aloud with a dreamy face, pulling Aliehs along as they walked down the sidewalk. "Perhaps I will serve her a plate of the finest fruits and veggies, or delight her with a glass of fresh spring water."

"Why're you takin' me, I don' wanna watch you do stuff..." Aliehs mumbled.

"And I do not want to be with you, but alas, Arorua's orders are Rora's orders. Which generally mean nothing, but 'ey. I will show kindness like Lorac's to win her heart!"


"-Oh?" Nosam stopped, viewing something strange when they reached the park. "...Aliehs, what is that?" It was a mysterious double-door with forest designs. When they both stepped a little closer, the door opened like an elevator, exposing a swirling green vortex. "Aliehs... do you know what this is?"

"Beats me..."

"It is the answer to my problem! Surely, within this swirling wonder, I will find the perfect gift to give to my sweet Lorac! It will be the present to make her understand, we are soul mates, bounded by love and fate. OHHHHH I CANNOT WAIT TO GET IN THERE AND SEE WHAT IT IS!" Fast as lightning, Nosam pulled Aliehs into the strange portal.

From behind some tiny pebbles, a group of mischievous Minish kids snickered evilly and high-fived. "Stupid humans! Okay, let's go put the beehive in that other kid's teddybear..." They snuck away to let their prank play out.

Dnalhsa, West Ainigriv

Two 5-year-old girls sat politely at a park table, leisurely drinking tea. They were near identical cousins, one had blonde hair, the other had brown hair. But what really made them stand out were their cat ears and tails. They were approached by a brown-haired girl in a red shirt, and horizontal blue stripe through its middle. "Hi, Calil. Hi, Yrreb. What're you guys doing today?" Yddam asked with a modest expression.

"Having tea, SMARTY-PANTS." Calil remarked.

"Don't be rude, Cal." Yrreb told her.

"That's cool. But wouldn't you like... I dunno, running around and playing tag? You are werecats."

"Only 'cause our moms were stupid." Calil stated.

"What she means is, we don't wanna get too into it, we might start behaving like animals. I wouldn't wanna eat poor little bugs by accident." Yrreb frowned.

"You two should explore your animal instincts more! You're lucky to be born with cool powers, you should be happy about them." Yddam smiled.

"Eh... I dunno..."

"YO YO LADEEEES! Gome 'ere and see my NEW AAAABS!" a boy's voice called across the park.

"Uck... it's Trepur." Calil hissed.

"Let's go, Cal." The girls grabbed their teapots and walked away slowly.

Yddam was about to walk away 'til she bumped into some- "DON'T HURT ME!" Both exclaimed, shuddering with fear. When they saw who it was, they blushed and laughed embarrassedly.

"Oh, it's um... it's you, Sirhc." Yddam grinned.

"Hehe. Hi, Yddam." Sirhc said goofily. "I thought you were... someone else."

"Hehe. Me too."

"... ... ..."

"So, um, what's the haps?" she asked.

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