The Thirteen Darknesses, Part 7: Sibling Rivalry

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DNK Moonbase

AlyakAm was locked back in her cell alongside Egroeg after she and Nerehc returned to Moonbase. "We don't have any idea how she escaped, Master Nerehc." Ininap said in her nervous tone. "We looked everywhere, we really did, b-but-"

"Yeah yeah yeah, take it easy, Stutters. It sounds like Medusa had something to do with it."

"A dark portal, to be precise." AlyakAm confirmed. "This petty fortress of scrap is nothing to even the simplest of a god's abilities."

"And what were you doing with that boy? Were you looking for one of the Thirteen Darknesses?"

"Yes, and I can safely assure you, you now have less of the quest to worry about."

"Then who was the Darkness in question?"

"Medusa says you don't need to know that, yet."

"Of course we don't. Ininap, I'm going back to the Posiverse. Cheren and Kayla said they might know where to look next. Let everyone know to watch out for Medusa." He began to walk away. "I should've expected her to look for loopholes in this deal..."

"Hm hm hm." AlyakAm chuckled.

Ininap turned to her curiously. "Eh he... What's so funny?"

"Nerehc is concerned for what conniving tricks Medusa has up her sleeve regarding this grand plan. He, like Medusa herself, is deceived into believing the latter is the mastermind. Her position is no greater than that of any of our father's 'associates.'"

"She is to our father what I am to AlyakAm." Egroeg commented. "Even I am smart enough to know this."

Ininap approached them. "You two know more about this prophecy than any of us, don't ya? Yer father knows... somehow, someway..."

"You are inferring what exactly?" AlyakAm asked.

"You know important answers." Ininap spoke seriously. "You can be a real big help to us. You can help us be prepared. You can help us save everyone."

"You are mistaken. There is no amount of preparing you could do and no way to save everyone. You can never comprehend what is to come."

"And you can? Are you two all right with what's going to happen? It won't affect you in any way?"

"..." Alyak took a minute to respond. "It doesn't matter if we are or not. And a weak person like you would only cower in a closet. If I decided to tell you, you would utterly give up and give in."

"I wouldn't. Not on my own... anyway..." Ininap turned away. "Not unless Nerehc does. I would follow where he thinks we should go. If he thought it was a losing battle... I would agree. If he thought we could win... I would let him use me as a shield if it would help him get there."

"You haven't a single speck of pride in your veins." Egroeg said. "What a pity. ..." Alyak was staring at him. "What? I have more than she does."

"I'm not very smart or strong." Ininap stated. "Until I learn how to be... I'll trust Nerehc to guide me. Maybe you two should, too. Because it sounds like... you aren't sure what to do, either." She left the room.

EiznekCm House

Nerehc took a quick bath after returning home, and the wetness was still present in his hair by the time he was dressed. He went to his room and would enter the Posiverse through his dresser mirror to meet with Cheren again. He had laid his sword halfway in the mirror to keep the portal open for that reason. But Nerehc saw a different sword on his bed: it had a green hilt and was encased in a black sheath.

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