Pirate Wars, Part 6: Wrath of the Drug Queen

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You know, I've been wanting to get into the Yakuza series because I thought I could get some good inspiration for the Mushroom Mafia... then I was too lazy to do it. ^^; But I hope to see the series, anyway.

Toadstool World

"It can't be!" Don Shrew exclaimed, banging her left armrest. "The Meta-Beasts were all defeated?! What about the Ant King?!"

"No one saw where the Ant King fled to." Tulip replied. "I would've assumed he'd attack the DNK's base or something, but it's probably safe to assume he's finished. And rumor has it Captain Ydnam just fell into the navy's captivity."

"Oh, I don't care about her." Shrew brushed her hand. "Hell, I'm surprised she wasn't the first to go down. But the Ant King though! There's no way even an army of the brats could defeat him! And here I was crafting the perfect weapon to nuke him with!"

"Better save it for the Revolutionaries. I don't know how, but they have to have caused this worldwide rain. It's nullifying all the chemicals in our farms around the world!"

"This couldn't be the work of some weapon... there has to be some kind of waterbender among the rebels. Before I target the navy, I need to stop this rebellion once and for all. And to do that, I'll need to take back what my daughter owes me."

"We haven't pinpointed Airam, yet, but Yeknod is currently making a move on those Dolphin brats. I plan to fly down and assist him. With my new drug, I'll have those kids dealt with swiftly and seductively~"


The Revolution had been progressing smoothly, especially with most of the other pirates having fled the planet. Only a few officers of the navy were interfering at the moment. Revilo had encountered Nebrakapook again and defeated the mummy turtle, but was in need of recovery afterward. Rear-Admiral Sudorg from the Y-Naut Fortress ambushed the Little Dads to get revenge. He used little Y-bots to generate a barrier around himself, but Eiwets used his ball form to bounce around and KO the bots, allowing Eiggam to defeat Sudorg with her Blast power.

Airam and Sutsugua dragged an unconscious Primagen to a hideout owned by Oiraw. After he woke up, Airam treated the alien to troubling news. "P-P-POISON SODA?!" exclaimed the Primagen.

"That's right." the heiress nodded. "I fed you a soda with a slow-acting drug in your sleep. In a week from now, your brain will swell and explode."

"You little monster! I'll kill-"

"Unless I make you the antidote. You'll only find the recipe right in this noodle." She tapped her head. "Or I can set the poison off early with my bending. So, if you'd like me to cure you, I'm gonna be needing your Devil Fruit power."

"If you summon creatures from the past, can you ask for specific types?" Sutsugua asked.

"Grrr...yes, I can summon specific types of creatures, but it depends on what creatures were in this specific area."

"And what happens if we kill these creatures?"

"I don't quite understand why it works like this, but small severed body parts will remain in the present while the main bodies return to the past."

"Then we can experiment with some poisonous types." Airam said. "Let's get to work pronto."

Gnok Island

"Let me expand my dong, into your heeeaaart~" Yeknod enjoyed passing the time on his outdoor karaoke stage. Set up on the eyebrows of a statue of his head, he enjoyed it when the whole jungle could see his jig. "And shower you with coconut cream piiieee!"

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