The Thirteen Darknesses, Part 3: Broken Soul

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Lucifer's cave

"You're one for pleasant greetings, Lucy." Medusa remarked. "Still feeling sour about You-Know-Who?"

"I was not pleased to be cast into your shadow, Medusa." The black mass that was Lucifer spoke with malice. "When Malladus, that wretched usurper, scolded me for my failure... I felt utter disrespect. I felt less than demon. I wanted to crush him. I wanted to crush Uncle Malladus in my own two hands. Why did he find love and I could not?!"

Lucifer began panting. The three gods could feel the emotion in his voice. "I can't get over it. I still want her. I still love her. I still love... ELLEN WICKENS! I am a disgrace to my kind to love a mortal! But I cannot abandon these feelings. I cannot stomach mortals who feel love for other mortals. I want a mortal to love me! If I were loved like Malladus was loved... I could become more fierce."

Sipa was still bowing on the floor. Medusa surmised that, being in the presence of such a great demon, she was in no position to speak. She would be on the floor like the lowly human she is, and let the two Demon Saints speak. Medusa walked closer to the evil spirit. "But Lucy, you did crush Malladus. If it wasn't for your rambling about Ellen, Malladus never would've chosen to fall in love with a mortal. Malladus doomed himself when he transferred his own life force to his descendants. It is because of you the Uno Family exists!"

"That doesn't please me! It is only Malladus, scattered into tiny pieces. But I do not care for him. He is not the one..."

"We know that. We know who the one is. Because we want him too, Lucy."

Lucifer looked at the possessed boy with inquiry and hatred. Medusa smirked and stepped closer. "We need the Six Demon Saints to rescue him from the Sanzu River. He's one of the Thirteen Darknesses. You know who I'm talking about, don't you? The Devil Reincarnate himself. Ganondorf Dragmire!"

There was a reaction in his eyes. "Ganondorf... I've spent many a year with that man's crotch on my back. The only reason I served him was because I felt my father's presence inside him. I thought, if I served him, I would get to see my father, Lord Demise, again. And the only reason I wanted to see him... was so I could DESTROY him! I, Lucifer, the King of Black Magic, would be Emperor of Hell."

"But Grim Reaper is the king now." Pandora mentioned. "Why don't you crush him?"

"Because... he is stronger than me. He destroys my kind... Hollows and Arrancar. Even now, I struggle to hide from the Spirit Kids Next Door. The only one who could destroy him... is Demise. Yes, I do wish to rescue Ganondorf. But I wish to destroy him after. I cannot do that in this state... I need to appear stronger before him. I want love... I want to be... MARRIED."

The statement took Medusa by surprise. She looked at the girl who was still bowing. "Married? Then... Sipa will do."

Sipa gasped, her head flying back up as her eyes showed terrific shock. "L-Lady Medusa..."

"Yes, she is a perfect match. And a very devout Ganonist. You would love to be wed to one of the Royal Demon Saints. You even have part of each other's soul."

"Huuur, yes... She does..." Sipa felt a chill in her spine when Lucifer touched a single, sharp finger to her gently. "A soul... so dismantled and poisoned... Perhaps it is what I needed... all along... Feelings of hatred... and LOVE..."

"W-Well, it... does sound wonderful." Sipa stuttered, forcing a smile. "But my love is for Ganon! I couldn't betray..."

"The only way you will be able to see Ganon..." Sipa looked up at Medusa, "would be to do what he says. Besides, a kind of two-sided love like this is what our Bad Lord would want."

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