The Great Gas Excursion

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This part coincides with World Rings! One of my first ideas was a story where they had to find Seven Cubes of Knowledge that were hidden by Uxie, where either Xedni or Ylime would be the protagonist and the villains were the Brains from Futurama... but then I decided to go with the plotline I already had set up. XD

On the eve of the New Year, Enopac Egeb led Glasses Girl and the Nega-MG operatives to the basement of their mansion. The roots of a shining green tree enveloped this chamber, though the tree itself was fairly thin. "This is our most sacred place." The godfather said. "When our ancestor, Mama Tebrehs, took her final breath, she became this tree. Her soul has since watched over us. And only on New Year's Eve will she speak to us. Only she will decide if you're trustworthy. Now, go and greet her."

"I waited three months to talk to a tree?" Airam questioned.

"You'd think being on our best behavior all that time would've been enough." Revilo figured.

"If you call that best behavior." Lihp remarked.

"Just do it." Ydnew insisted.

Airam sighed and approached the tree. "Uh...what's up, Mama Tebrehs?"

The tree emitted a brighter glow as a tall, thin spirit formed. She wore a dark-green dress and matching hair that was shaped like broccoli leaves. Her nose was long, eyes closed, and she frowned serenely. She spoke in a gentle and refined voice. "She, who descends from Shrews. I, Mama Tebrehs, appear before you."

"Yeah, I can see that."

"Pin it with that mouth, kid." Egeb stated. "So, Mama... what do you make of this brat?"

"Ambition and vengeance fill her eyes... Unrest taints her 'til her mother dies."

"I mean, I was under the impression you didn't like her either, so what's wrong with that?"

"Though we share a most evil foe, what future will you come to know? When the toxic power becomes yours, will you rule benevolent forevermore?"

"Forever's a long time, lady."

"Airam, we've already been over this." Ydnew said. "We're going to fix all the damage your mother has caused and restore Toadstool World's vegetation."

"I guess, but it ain't the most important thing I'm worried about."

"Look, kid," Egeb said, "you may've been behavin', but don't think we appreciate that tongue of yours. All you care about is gettin' what you want and usin' us and those pals of yours to get it. You take us all for granted and ya ain't even grateful."

"Hey, cut her some slack." Revilo said. "She's been through a lot and we haven't made any progress in taking the Mushrooms down! There isn't much to be grateful for."

"Yes, there is." Ydnew stated strictly. "She should be grateful that her friends stuck around this long despite making little progress. Unless you're thinking of bailing out, Revilo?"

"Exactly." Lihp agreed. "To be fair, we still don't have to stick around. And if the Galactic Navy finds and questions us, we could rat you out afterwards. You know how much trouble we're gonna be in 'cause of you?!"

Airam bit her lip in frustration. "Look, I ain't good with emotions, okay? You three are just about the only ones I can trust, but it's because we haven't made any progress that it's hard to feel grateful!"

"Your heart has been tormented so. But your comrades speak truthfully though. They've tied their hearts and their burden to you. What is the least that you can do?"

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