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My head is full of pretty luuums...

Chapter -6: Alliance

Dnalevelc; Onion River

Nerehc resurfaced inside his own world and began to make the journey home. "BRO!!!" But 3 seconds hadn't gone by when Arorua glomped him from behind. "You're back!! Where have you BEEN??"

"Arorua, you... missed me?" Very strange for someone like her.

"I- uhhh... Well, I'm hoping I won't become Mom's midday barbeque now. The short version is, Sipa lent me a clone she made of you and it's, um, keeping up appearances. However OOC they might be... So, wh-where did you go again?"

"Another dimension—where is Sipa now, what is she doing?"

"I assumed she was trying to bring you back, don't ask me..."

"I'm calling her." Nerehc hurriedly pulled out his cellphone and began texting (there's a difference, Nerehc), Meet me at Dnalevelc Park in 10 minutes, if you get this. –Nerehc "Too bad I didn't get this over with before all this happened. ...Remind me to clear out my messages later." This is another thing I'm sure MASKED clarifies. noted Patrick Stewart. "So Arorua, what's the Dictator been doing? The DNKG?"

"Well, according to Sicnarf, they've been hanging out at Aipyks all this time."

"Did the Nimbi join up with 'em?"

"I...I wouldn't know."

"Time to find out." With that, Nerehc began heading to the park.

"W-Where are you going?!"

"You said a clone's filling in for me, right? Then he can fill in longer while I make up for lost time."

"Uh, DUUUUUDE! Mom's already more than established you have a brain deficiency from doing math, if you aren't cured soon, you'll be sent to a loony hospital, THEN what'll I explain to her?? Ohhhhhhh!" She ran home annoyedly.

Aipyks; Supreme Leader's treehouse

Nimbi had Atnort surrounded left and right, trapping the alien under their impenetrable fearbending trance. Atnort kept hold of himself and ignited his fists with lightning, punching every which way and shocking the Nimbi into suspension. More Nimbi flew from overhead with machineguns and blasted, but Atnort moved at lightfast speeds with lightning boots, zipping around the air to confuse them before he dealt kicks and shocked them, causing them to drop. Atnort landed and faced what appeared to be a team of large, dark-colorful dodoes marching in the entrance, ridden by other Nimbi. Atnort squished his middle and index fingers together on his right hand, alit them with lightning, and stuck them through the ground to send a surge of lightning through and shock all of the birds, all of them falling.

Atnort blew the smoke from his fingers and marched toward the tall stairs, where Nimbi Leader Ibsej sat upon the throne. Atnort whirled his arms and ignited the lightning on his tips, aim set on Ibsej. "... ... . . . I will speak with your leader now."

Atnort made a malicious grin before aiming his fingers out the window and blasting a mighty bolt of lightning. It formed the giant letters 'DNKG' for everyone within the area to see, its light shining inside Aluben's saucer as she awoke from her apparent sleep.

Dnalevelc Park

10 minutes had passed, and Nerehc waited patiently at the park. Lying on the bench where he and Sipa usually sat, wondering if she got the message. It was 5:02 when Nerehc checked his watch, marking it 10 minutes since the text. ...3-2-1:

"HAZZAAAAAH!" Sipa popped from the smoke, scaring the boy upright. "The underling hath proven her worth! Welcome back, O Prince of the Sulfury Void!" She embraced him in a loving hug.

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