Rebirth Pt.1

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The next day, El was standing watching an airship prepare to land at Air Temple Island, the Air Acolytes pulling the airship in with ropes, with her family, Bolin and Korra, Bolin with his arm around her shoulder.

The airship landed, and the doors slid open revealing Asami inside. "Did someone order a fully equipped Future Industries airship?"

"It's perfect! Thanks, Asami." Korra grinned

"I figured if we're going to Ba Sing Se to search for airbenders, we should do it in style." Asami smiled, coming down the ramp.

"Yay, airship!" Meelo cheered

" I wanna see!" Ikki jumped on an air scooter, zooming up the ramp

"C'mon, Poki." Poki climbed onto Meelo's head, who then made an air scooter and followed Ikki into the airship.

"I best make sure they don't break anything" Zira chuckled and started up the ramp after them

"While you guys are gone, Pema, Ursa and I will hold down the fort," Kya said as Ursa picked up Rohan from Pema.

"Who's excited to spend some time with your Auntie Ursa?" She cooed, bouncing the baby only to have him vomit onto her dress.

"Aw, he likes you." Pema smiled as Ursa grimaced in disgust.

Kya just laughed, waterbending the vomit off of Ursa as Mako suddenly approached the group.

"Mako, I'm so glad you're here." Korra smiled

"Of course, Korra. Avatar. Avatar Korra," Mako then stood very straight, speaking in a very professional tone. "Once I received your message, I proceeded to contact various locations within the Earth Kingdom as ordered by you, the Avatar."

" Right, the Avatar thanks you for your loyal service", Korra smirked sarcastically as El came up to them.

"Did you find any more leads?" She asked

"There are reports of airbenders popping up all over the Earth Kingdom. I marked the villages on this map" Mako took off the map, which was slung over his shoulder, and handed it to the airbender. "You guys can take it with you."

"Wait, what? You're not coming with us?" El asked, looking confused

"Yeah, I was kind of hoping you could come, too," Korra added

"Really? Uh, it's probably better if I sit this one out." Mako looked away

"I know things have been weird between us since we broke up, but you're a part of Team Avatar, and we can't do this without you." Korra pleaded

"I'm sorry, I can't." Mako walked away, the girls and his brother watching him.

El suddenly scowled, giving the map to Korra and waving over her shoulder, "Bo, come on!"

"Right behind you" The two joined hands and took off after the firebender.

" I'll miss you, sweetie." Pema kissed Tenzin on the cheek

"I'll miss you too. Once we find the airbenders, I'll send word. You can join us at the Northern Air Temple then." Tenzin smiled at his wife.

Ikki and Meelo suddenly came down off the airship on their air scooters, visibly disgruntled with jealousy.

"Hey! How come El and Jinora get to go with you, but we don't? That's so not fair!" Ikki crossed her arms, scowling

"Yeah! What this girl said! Not fair!" Meelo added

The adults glanced at each other.

"Because if airbenders show up here, they're gonna need some guidance from the two of you. It's a very important job." Kya said, and the two kids smiled.

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