The Terror Within Pt. 1

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Elira was sitting on the steps of the training area. Pabu was on her lap enjoying some pets, and Pichi was beside her sunbathing. She was watching as Korra spared with Wing. 

Wing fired two meteorites at the Avatar, but she twirled and dodged them before sending her metal cable at him.

 Wing ducked and dodged the first strike, then jumped over the second one and trapped Korra's cable on the ground with his foot. 

Bending the cable, he sent it spiralling back at Korra. The impact knocked the Avatar to the ground.

"I can't believe I'm sparring with the Avatar!" Wing grinned 

"I can't believe I'm stuck with her friend," Wei complained, not far from where Korra and Wing were sparing.

He was sparing against Bolin, who was attempting to metalbend a meteorite but wasn't having much luck.

"Hang on. I think I got it. Let me just try this." Bolin tried to bend the meteorite again as Wing and Korra continued their spar session. The meteorite didn't change shape, and it only fell out of his hands. 

"Nope, okay, maybe-" Bolin then suddenly got nailed with a slab of metal. Elira winced at the sight. 

"Trial by fire. It's the best way to learn metalbending." Wei smirked, sending another meteorite at Bolin as Elira noticed Mako and Asami approaching and stood up. 

Bolin ducked under the meteorite and quickly bent a pebble at his attacker, directly hitting his forehead. 

"Whoa. Nice shot, Bolin!" Mako said as Wei grabbed his forehead in pain with both hands, "But I thought you were supposed to be practising metalbending, not earthbending." 

" Yeah, cheater." Wei scowled, rubbing his red forehead. 

"Mako, metalbending is extremely difficult. No one gets it right away if they can get it at all! It's not normal!" Bolin huffed 

Everyone was distracted, looking to the side as Korra and Wing were still sparing. Korra kicked away a meteorite Wing threw at her before using her cables to flip him onto the ground. 

"Woo-hoo! Metalbending champion!" Korra cheered, jumping and flexing her muscles. 

"Oh, sure. She's the Avatar." Bolin frowned but smiled a little when El took his hand. 

"Guys, it's time to get cleaned up. Tonight is Opal's farewell dinner." Asami informed 

"Okay... Race you back!" El smirked and took off running. 

"Hey! El, that's cheating!" Bolin laughed and ran after her. 


El sat between Bolin and Opal as the chef served them dinner. 

"Thanks for making my favourite meal." Opal smiled

"I'm really going to miss you, Opal. No one appreciates my raw veggie wraps like you do," The chef replied and walked away to continue serving food. 

"This looks so good! I don't think I've ever had raw kale before." Elira grinned as the chef served her food. 

"You don't eat kale at the temples?" Opal asked 

"No, it's mainly broccoli and carrots and boring things like that. Of course, that doesn't stop my little brother from trying to throw it at me," Elira said, and Opal chuckled a little 

"How many siblings do you have?" 

"I'm the oldest of five. Two younger sisters and two younger brothers," El explained. 

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