In Harms Way Pt. 2

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Oogie flew over Lake Laogai before landing on an island in the middle of the water.

Zira stood by the water's edge, completely in her own world, as Jinora sat down, ready to start meditating.

"If anything goes wrong, come back immediately," Tenzin ordered

" I will." Jinora smiled

She then shut her eyes, and Tenzin walked off with Korra. They noticed Zira standing by the water's edge and Korra gave Tenzin a nudge

"Go talk to her. I'll keep an eye on Jinora," She said

"Thank you" Tenzin nodded before heading towards his mother.

He placed a hand on her shoulder, making her jump slightly but calmed when she realised who it was.

"Mom, are you okay?" He asked

"I'm alright. Just thinking," Zira replied

"You know, of all the stories you told me as a boy, you never talked about your time in Ba Sing Se much", Tenzin stated

"It's not a time I like remembering", Zira muttered

"I understand" Tenzin wrapped his arm around his mother. "I miss him."

Zira smiled sadly, fiddling with the locket around her neck. "So do I."

"Zira! Tenzin!" Korra suddenly called

The two quickly headed back over, seeing Jinora now standing up.

"What happened? What did you see?" Zira inquired

"The airbenders aren't there! It's completely deserted." Jinora looked down

"They're not down there?" Tenzin gasped

"Jinora, you've read all about Ba Sing Se and Zira; you've been here before. Can you think of any other places the airbenders might be?" Korra questioned

"They could be in the catacombs beneath the Upper Ring", Zira guessed

"Or the ancient sewers beneath the Lower Ring", Jinora added. "Or the maze of tunnels that connect the rings together, or they could be—"

Tenzin sighed. "There are just too many places. There has to be another way to locate them."

"Maybe there is" Korra knelt in front of Jinora" How did you find me during Harmonic Convergence?"

"I don't know. I just kind of focused on your energy. I think our spiritual connection led me to you." The little girl replied

"Maybe you can find El the same way. Or even Kai; I know you two have a connection" Korra smiled

"What do you mean "a connection"?" Tenzin raised an eyebrow

"I don't know. Let me try. I'll see if I can find El first. Find out if she's really with the others or not" Jinora knelt on the floor once more and shut her eyes, focusing hard on her sister's energy.


Below ground, the airbenders were still in training, and many of them were exhausted. The Dai Li sergeant was bending multiple earth discs to the airbenders, who attempted to block it with airbending. But only Kai and El were able to block the attacks. The others weren't so lucky. Getting hit over and over by the discs.

The sergeant bent out more earth discs, and Kai suddenly blocked the attack meant for Yung.

"Thanks." He smiled at Kai

"You again?! If you have time to help your friend, then you're not getting enough rocks for yourself!" The sergeant snapped and attacked Kai with multiple discs.

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