The Earth Queen

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"Light on your feet, Uncle Bumi. Remember, you want to be quick and evasive" Jinora instructed, currently teaching Bumi and Kai some airbender techniques as Asami watched from the sidelines with Naga, Pabu and Pichi. Above them, Elira was also watching with Tenzin, Korra and Zira beside her. 

"Don't worry about me, little lady. I've been in a scrap or two you know. Ha ha" Bumi chuckled, moving around with his hands up like a boxer

" Oh, you're just a youngster, so I'm gonna go easy on ya" Bumi smirked at Kai as the boy ran at him "Wouldn't want to hurt a kid--" 

Kai slid to the floor, and fired an airbending blast at Bumi's legs, knocking him to the ground. 

Above, El burst into a fit of giggles as Jinora and Kai helped Bumi to his feet. 

"Uncle Bumi, you've got to work on your stance changes" Jinora advised " Kai, that was just, really good." 

" Thanks, Jinora, you're a great teacher." Kai smiled, rubbing the back of his head.

Jinora smiled back, blushing before she helped her uncle away. Looking up, she saw her big sister smirking at her teasingly. 

"Shut up" She mouthed, scowling

 El held her hands up in defence, but her smirk never faltered. 

Bumi suddenly stopped, patting his body, looking for something.

" Hmm, did I drop my wallet?" He opened his coat, searching for it when Jinora started giggling at something behind him. 

Looking over his shoulder, Bumi saw Kai strolling casually past them, fanning himself with his wallet.

"Give me that, you little thief!" Bumi began chasing him around the deck as the kids laughed. 

"It's so exciting to be on a diplomatic mission to Ba Sing Se. What's the Earth Queen like?" Korra smiled 

"I've never met her, but I've heard she can be quite ... demanding," Tenzin replied 

"Demanding is an understatement" Zira rolled her eyes 

"You've met her Gran-Gran?" Elira inquired 

"Once. I went with the Gaang to meet her after her father died and she ascended the throne. But once was enough" The old woman scoffed and the others glanced at each other. 

Bolin suddenly ran to accompany them, swinging his legs under the railings in eagerness. 

"This is it, Mako! We made it! This is where Dad grew up! Come here! Look, look!" He exclaimed, grinning and Elira smiled softly at the child-like excitement in his green eyes. 

" Okay, calm down, I'm looking." Mako smiled, calmly joining his brother's side. 

"I wonder how many airbenders are down there." Korra shared an eager glance with El as they looked on in awe at the Outer Wall growing closer and closer. 


 The airship finally passed over the wall revealing the Lower Ring. It looked horrible. Smoke billowed from several buildings and the Krew recoiled from the smell, the two brothers holding their noses.

"Uhh, the Lower Ring looks terrible." Elira gagged 

"Yeah, I can smell it from here. No wonder Dad left." Bolin added, holding a hand over his nose. 

The airship continued to fly over the ring, before making it's over the Inner Wall and into the Middle Ring.

"Hello, Middle Ring!" Bolin shouted to the lush houses down below. 

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