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"Smoking is dangerous, lenochka it'll destroy you, my love." I startle awake and pain immediately shoots my head as I hit the headboard , looks like it's going to be an amazing day , I try to recall what the hell happened yesterday but it's hard to focus in the first place , memories slowly come back to me...

We went to a party of Adrian's friend ? Well we're not doing this again..ever , then we ended up in a...gym?? what the actual fuck now , I also remember some striking green eyes that stared right into my soul , I somehow recall his face.

so....I met a famous soccer player-no no not just anyone , he's like the best (ok not really) Did I really have to be drunk? I met NASH SPENCER? , wait...am I still dreaming? One way to find out , I pinch my cheek and whimper as I feel the pain , ok so no not dreaming , but maybe it could've been the alcohol?? Tell me I didn't just fucking meet him while I was drunk, not that he's really....that good , ok no maybe he's but he's not my favorite anyway, someone else is.

"Fucking finally." I don't get to register who just said the words before cold water meets my face , "what the hell??" I scream as I try to breathe , "morning sunshine." The fucker in front of me says while smiling widely , one day...one day I'm going to murder Adrian in cold blood , "people are supposed to throw water to wake someone up , there's no need to throw it if I'm already wide awake!" I tell him.

"As if I care." He says and drops to the armchair in-front of the...bed , I realize I'm sleeping his bed , "how the hell did we end up at your house ?And what the fuck happened yesterday ? I need details you asshole." I tell the fucker who's now playing with his hair and curling a strand around his finger as if he can't hear me , I don't hesitate as I grab the nearest item beside me that surprisingly happen to be.. a basketball and throw it at him , but of course he catches it with a smirk that I'd love to wipe as I tear his flesh to parts.

I'm not usually that murderous.... but Adrian loves to piss me off and he knows exactly how to do that , I've known this little shit for like...7 years? And somehow ended up in the same college, as if god destined us to be together , "talk." I say it as a warning trying to get some fucking words from his mouth since I know he was sober yesterday , he never drinks if both me and Lana are drinking.

He finally speaks and tells me everything , and holy shit what I did was...interesting ? , but I'm pretty sure if Nash ever saw me again he'll spit in my face , and honestly i wouldn't blame him not that I'd ever say that tho , I try to get off the bed and stand up but I immediately stumble and reach for the headboard as I try to regain my balance , "what time is it??" I ask him , "yeah you won't like the answer." He says and I make a face at him "can't you just answer questions like normal people?" I ask "no."


"Where the fuck have you been, little shit!!" I hear his yell right as I step into the house , "sleepover with a friend." I reply dryly and hurry to my room praying that he won't come in , I quickly go inside and lock the door , but he starts to knock on the door hysterically with his fucking fist , "open up , Octavia we need to talk." Talk my ass , "no." I technically whisper the word , there's no way in hell he heard it , shivers run through my body and my hands start shaking a little.

Hell no , "I'll-I'll come out in a minute I'm just changing okay?" I manage to get the words out of my mouth without breaking the fuck down, "fine , but if you stayed more than 60 fucking seconds inside I'll gladly break the door , sister." And I don't miss the tone he says "sister" in.

I manage to calm my breathe a little and open the door before the fucker break it for real , I'm met with a 6'2 dark haired guy with broad shoulders and dark brown eyes just like his soul , Xander Garcia my oldest brother has a beautiful face , not that his personality matches it at all , some people just don't deserve their looks , not to mention that he can easily make anyone under his spell with just a fucking smile, screw him.

"So where was our little sister yesterday? You slept outside the house-Oohh scandalous." He mocks then glares at me sharply , "just leave her alone for god's sake." A loud voice comes from Downstairs and I know who this is , my other brother-Cole jogs upstairs till he reaches us and technically pushes Xan away from me , they both just keep glaring at each other for a while then finally xan breaks the eye contact and his eyes find mine again, the asshole smirks at me as he walks downstairs leaving me with Cole alone , I release a relieved breath.

Cole smiles tightly at me then his brows furrow "are you okay?" He asks cautiously , why would I not be ? "Yeah of course what about you? How's everything?" I ask sweetly because I genuinely care about Cole , he is one of the sweetest and most caring people I have in my life , not that they're a lot but still , his features are more like me not like xan's all sharp and scary , well he's just scary with me but whatever , Cole pushes away his blonde hair which's hanging over his green eyes that seem full of concern like he doesn't believe what I just said , then his face breaks in a smile and two dimples make an appearance making him look even more adorable , he nods at me slowly "everything is fine , don't worry about me and I know that something is wrong Octavia but I also know that you like too keep alot to yourself so if you need anyone to talk to at any time , don't hesitate to talk to me please." He says softly and I swear to god I'm trying with all my effort not to cry at his sweetness so I just nod , because I don't trust my voice to not betray me, he smiles at me and pulls me into a warm hug.


"Wait wait come again , i don't understand anything.." I say through the phone looking over the pavement to make sure I don't fucking stumble until I reach the campus , "listen, Nash Spencer came to my fucking apartment I don't even know how!! And told me to tell you that he wants you two to have dinner together....tonight" Lana says on a sigh like she's tired of the amount of times I made her repeat her words , "why? Do you think we did something while we were drunk?? Like is he going to get us arrested??And this is just a camouflage for his plan?" I whisper-yell lowkey panicking because I know for a fact that I don't trust myself when I'm drunk, "I'm sure Adrian would've mentioned the fact that we did something that would get us in trouble, Tavi." She says , going back to using that fucking nickname , I really do hate it with passion tho , "god , what am I supposed to do then?" I ask her "are you kidding??It's not like he goes around and asks every drunk girl that blew smoke in his face on a date??" She says dramatically, okayy makes sense but there's no fucking way I'm going on this date , no "also-Um I gave him your number." She says quietly , "the fuck you did ?" I technically yell over the phone , "how the hell did you think he is going to arrange the date?" Fuck his date goddamn it.

"what if he's a creepy stalker or maybe one of those guys who prefer vanilla ice cream over chocolate?" I yell again and she laughs , "you just have no taste , vanilla is indeed better than chocolate ice cream." A voice comes from beside me , I startle and the phone falls from my hand but he grabs it before it reaches the rough pavement , ah fuck , "where the hell did you come from?" I ask him quietly still stunned by his appearance , him as in the person I was just calling a "creepy stalker." , he ignores my question and extends a hand infront of me still holding my phone with the other one then bows down "My love please if you let me , I can take you out on a date just the two of us and I can promise you I just need to talk with you , but if you'd like Anything else I can fulfill all your needs." He winks at me and I can't help the heat creeping through my neck and ears, but there's no way I'm going...right?

I also can't help my eyes that are now scanning all his features from this angle since we're so close , his blonde light hair that is styled over his head like he just got out of a magazine cover , striking green eyes that are staring right into my soul once again , his face is all sharp edges , his nose is slightly crooked making him look extra attractive with the piercing that's on one side of it, Nash Spencer looks even better in real life than on camera , fucking fuck.

"So what do you think sweetheart? Will you go on a date with me?" He gives me a toothy grin.
Maybe....I should give it a try after all?

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