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My eyelids feel heavy, I slowly open them and try to concentrate on where I'm and what the hell happened, I start to move but a voice stops me "don't." Someone says and I turn my face to see Cole, my brother tied beside me, "what the hell happened?!" I ask freaking out and scared.

He breathes harshly, his face covered in bruises and blood dripping down his body, I scan the room and find Brendan on the floor, his hands behind him and legs tied, he seems unconscious, I'm not even sure he's breathing, I open my mouth to scream at him, to beg him to wake up, but no words come out,

People say they know fear. Like when their car almost crashes or when they witness a gory scene on the streets, but that's not true fear. The actual horror is the unknown of what's coming, the unknown of what's going to happen.

"Octavia." Cole's voice pulls me away and I stare at him, searching for anything that will stop the feeling that's nudging through my veins, "what...happened?" I ask again, my voice barely audible and strangled, he briefly shakes his head and swallows hard "I don't remember." He says weakly, I stare at Brendan again "is he okay?" I ask him, my voice choked, tears form in Cole's eyes but he says nothing.

I continue staring at Brendan's motionless body for a beat before someone storms inside the room, I flinch and turn around, a bulky guy barges in, he has his hair tied in a ponytail and for some reason, he seems familiar...really familiar, he grabs my hair and I whimper from the force of it, "if I hear any of you talk again I'll kill you." He says and lets go of my hair.

He raises his fist and a punch lands on my face and Cole's, I spit on the floor, blood scattering everywhere, bringing some flashbacks that I'd rather have locked, Cole is saying something, screaming something that I don't even pay attention to, I'm still focusing on Brendan whose body isn't moving an inch, sickening possibilities crawl their way through my mind but I try to push them away, I really do.


I don't know how long we've been here, it feels like ages, my thoughts are eating me alive even more than the bruises all over my body, I can't even bear thinking that Adrian or Nash will notice that I'm not there, hell I'm sure Adrian already knows, my stomach clenches and my breath hitches at the thought of it, no they'll be okay.

Cole managed to untie the rope around his hands a while ago and untied mine too, Brendan is still unconscious but he's breathing, thank god, we tried finding anything, any key that can get us out of here, but the doors are locked, no windows, and there are bodyguards everywhere, the chances of us leaving are slim to none.

The crack of the door opening catches my attention and I turn around, my heart beats beating rapidly in my chest, as I stare at the guy marching through the room, no? Daniel can't be- wait what? The fucker moves towards us wearing a big ass smile on his face that needs to be punched, he kneels and looks at me, my chest clenches at the sight of his face this close, the last time he was this close to me....

My breaths sound choked as they come, "Octavia!" My brother yells as I try to calm down my breathing again, Daniel stands up laughing, the sound...disgusting and almost maniac, he faces Cole "you really don't know huh?" He says, his voice accented and rough, motioning at me, tears form in my eyes, no no that's not the time for all of this.

My brother glares at him, but Daniel's smile just widens knowing fully well that he's winning this round, "that slut right here was one of my best fucks I'm not going to lie." He says shrugging off his shoulder and Cole throws a punch that lands on the asshole's face knocking him backward as he struggles to stay stable, "Woah Woah, calm down you haven't even heard the details yet." He says smiling again, his bloody teeth shining.

"She didn't even hesitate before-" he says but doesn't get to continue before my anger takes over and I scream at him "I was drugged!" Cole's head snaps in my direction and the blood drains from his face, as Daniel takes another step towards him looking every bit murderous "Cole!" I scream right before Daniel punches him and knocks him to the floor.

I search the room for anything that can hit him, while they both roll on the floor not noticing me, I pause seeing daniel's gun drop from his back pocket, I silently grab it and aim it at his head, they both freeze for a moment, Cole's throat bobs as he swallows and looks at me, Daniel stays that way, "get off him, or I'll kill you." I say sounding calm even as my hands shake around the gun, I know how to use it.

"You don't scare me, princess." He says I don't hesitate before pulling the trigger "okay then." I say tears blurring my vision just as Daniel shouts "No!" "No!! No! Okay okay, I'll move." He says and attempts to take the gun from me but my reflexes take in, I wasn't lying when I said I know how to use it, it's just been a long time.

He looks just as surprised as I feel, Cole slowly gets up and silently motions for me, one second Cole is standing up, the second he's on Daniel choking him as he holds him down, I aim the gun and shoot, the sound rippling through the air, echoing through the walls as the guards come inside and all of them, all of them raise their guns.

I swallow and stare at my brother who just stares at them, we haven't thought about them, it slipped away, I inhale a deep breath and let it out, not knowing what's to come, not knowing if I'm ready for it either.

Just as two guards pull the trigger, a yell stops them, I don't make out the words but whoever's talking to them must be their boss, surprisingly, they all lower their guns and get out, one after another, I look at Cole, with my brows furrowed confused about what the hell just happened.

"I asked you if you wanted to meet your master, my doll?" The voice becomes louder, and..familiar, way too familiar, I swallow the knot forming down my throat as Cole stares at the door with an unreadable expression, "Is that a yes?" The voice asks again, I hear the crack of the door right before the figure comes in.

He's wearing a mask, my heart beats rapidly in my chest, fear crawling its way through my veins the more I stare at him, he slowly brings his hand up to take the mask off, brown hair, straight nose, sharp jawline, and blue eyes.

Way too familiar eyes, my breath hitches the more things start to make sense, I turn to look at Cole who looks as stunned as I'm because there's no way I'm hallucinating my dead brother, he raises his hands in the air "this isn't the family reunion I planned for, but what can I do? I missed you." He says smiling at us, "so, tell me sister, did you miss me?" That's the last thing I hear before my whole body goes numb and my vision goes blurry.

Um idk if that was predictable tbh but I really liked it, so yeah love y'all
A vote is really appreciated 🫶

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