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It didn't take us long to figure out what happened, an hour after I dropped Octavia off, Adrian tried to call her a couple of times but no one picked up, so we decided to go see what the hell is wrong, and that's where the problem happened.

Cole, Brendan, and Octavia are out of sight, their phones are closed, the only person who's here, is Xander, he tracked down their location using something that Cole gave him years ago as he said, I genuinely didn't understand a thing from what he tried to explain earlier, but we didn't have time for that,

We arrived at the place where they were supposedly at, but nothing is there, and by nothing I mean absolutely nothing, the place is deserted, I don't understand how they could be here, "anything new?" Adrian asks him, "they're not moving, they should be right here." He replies then runs a hand through his hair.

"I don't fucking understand how can they be here?" Adrian asks raising his hands in the air, I blow a breath and leave them bickering alone, I walk around trying to find anything that's suspicious, anything, "Nash." Adrian says my name and I turn around, he raises a finger and motions for us to stop talking, we both nod and he drops to the ground.

I genuinely don't understand what he's doing, but neither of us says anything, holding onto the hope of finding them, I clench my fists not wanting my thoughts to take over, I'm trying to be calm because I know that if I let my worry take over I'll lose it, and I can't do that, not right now.

"They're down." He says pulling my attention to him, they're what? "What do you mean?" I ask and Xander's brows furrow, " there are sounds from here I don't know." He says and motions for us to come closer, I kneel with him and put my ears down, sure enough, I can hear some noises but I don't make out what they're saying, fuck.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask getting up, "how the hell can we even go down there?" Xander asks confused and worried, Adrian gets up and runs a hand through his hair tugging hard on it, "there must be a way to get in here." He says, "let's walk in different directions and search for anything." I say with a calm tone that betrays the simmering rage inside me.

There are two suspicions about who took them in the first place, it's either someone from Lucas's connection or...the second option which I'm almost hundred percent certain about is Daniel, the fucker who called me earlier, "Nash! Xander!" Adrian yells from far away and motions for us, and we start walking faster.

When we reach him, he motions at something on the ground, it looks like a lock or something, "how can we open that?" Xander asks, "do you have a knife?" He replies and Xander shrugs his shoulders "do you normally walk around with a knife?" He asks raising a brow, "when my friends are kidnapped? Yes, I fucking do." He replies harshly and searches his pockets for anything.

He finds a set of keys and frowns, "I'll try to break the lock with any of them okay." He says and we nod, he grabs the slimmest key and starts doing what he said, at first nothing happens but then it falls open, my eyes widen and Adrian lets out a breath, it's a small opening, not tiny but we'll have to crawl to get inside, especially Adrian considering he's the tallest.

Some stairs lead down there, I motion for them to stay quiet and they nod as Xander gets in first, taking the stairs slowly, I get in next and Adrian after me, the place is dark, but a yelling sound catches my attention, I don't think twice before striding towards it, I find three rooms in there.

Only one of them is open, that's where the sound is coming from, I move forward but Adrian catches up to me and holds me back, "are you insane?" He mouthes, I let out a breath, and Adrian's eyes dart around "what?" I ask, he opens his mouth to speak but a guard appears behind him holding a gun over his head, fuck fuck fuck.

Adrian darts for me to move aside and I do, one moment Adrian is looking at me, the second he spins so fast and snatches the gun from the guard's hand then wraps his arm around his neck, holy shit, "where is she?" He asks him, as his face turns red from the force of Adrian, "I-" he opens his mouth to speak unable to form words, but he slowly points a finger towards a hallway.

"If I let you go, you'll be smart and shut your fucking mouth, won't you?" Adrian says in his ears, the guard nods hysterically and Adrian drops him, Xander's brows are at his hairline, "where the fuck did you learn all this?" He asks while we run towards the hallway, "it's nothing you have to worry about." Adrian says not giving us more info as we stand in front of the door.

He pulls the trigger of the gun he snatched from the guard and then counts on his fingers, 1 2 3, we all push on the door until it opens, my heartbeats go wild as I make out what I'm seeing, Octavia is on the ground, her body unconscious and covered in blood, "No!" Cole shouts and it takes us a second to realize what's happening, a guy appears from behind him, "who the fuck are you?" Adrian asks still raising his gun.

"Don't shoot." Cole tells him while glaring, Adrian raises his brow "are you insane? I'll shoot." He says and cock the gun a little, the guy faces Xander whose body is completely still, he opens his mouth then close it a couple of times, and the guy raises his hands "so I assume you figured out who I'm?" He asks raising a brow playfully.

"There's no fucking way." Xander replies, Adrian faces him "what? Who is he?" he asks with the same confusion I'm feeling right now, the guy moves from behind cole and starts moving towards me, he extends a hand in my direction, "oh I'm sure you heard a lot about me, I'm Christopher, well most people call me Chris anyway, hello nash I'm Christopher Garcia, your girlfriend's brother." He says and my jaw drops open.

Xander moves forward and slams Chris's body on the nearest wall, it takes me a second to process what's happening "how the fuck are you even alive-an-and you are the one who kidnapped them!" He says angrily, "well yeah obviously?" Chris raises a brow, "and you tried to shoot us when you killed da-Lucas." He says then lets Chris go, Chris holds up a finger "no actually, it wasn't me." He says and then faces me.

"Who the fuck was it?" Adrian asks, his tone calm but full of rage and anger, Chris laughs and starts walking around the room, "it was-um let me remember." He taps his jaw teasingly, "actually I'm not the master, yes I asked you if I wanted to finally meet him but I never said that it was me." He raises a hand then shrugs his shoulder "it was Helen, who's also known as your dearest mother." He says and points at me, I shake my head "no." I say swallowing hard, there's no way she was behind this.

"I'm so sorry honey." A voice joins and my mother appears from the door, she holds up a knife, and my whole body freeze unable to move, one moment mom is holding the knife, the second she digs it into Octavia's stomach, a scream ripples through the air and it takes me a second to realize that it's mine.


After all of this, it turns out mom is the master, and Octavia is her doll.
And that night.
The doll died.

Uh uh don't hate me y'all I'm not evil istg, just a little bit of suffering to spice up the story yk? Just a little bit 😋

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