"Chapter 7: The Stark Heist"

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When the Armageddon Squad got to the Bank, they kicked the door open and Mr. Armageddon yelled, "Ladies and Gentlemen! This is your moment to be a hero! So try and stop us if you dare but don't get your hopes up!" 

Everyone in the bank then got down on the floor and the Armageddon Squad charged over to the front desk and Mr. Armageddon asked one of the Tellers, "You! Do you know how to get into the vault?" 

The Teller was scared and said, "I-i don't know! The manager isn't here today." 

Rasta Lion then said, "You are lying mon! The Manager IS here!" 

Connor then asked, "Where is the fuking Manager?!" 

Creole Cheetah then shot the Teller in her arm, and she said, "He's right here with me!" 

She then pointed to a man lying on the floor and El Capitan opened the door to the desk and lifted the Manager up with one hand and said, "Get up pendejo!" 

Mr. Armageddon looked at the Teller and saw that she was bleeding and he said, "It didn't have to come to that, but you forced us." 

He then looked at La Nina Flora and said, "Go find something to stop the bleeding." 

La Nina Flora nodded, and she went to pick the Teller up but when she did, the bleeding suddenly stopped, and the wound disappeared. 

Everyone had seen the whole thing and the Teller said, "Woah, you healed it. Why are you doing this if you have a power like this?" 

La Nina Flora then said, "I only did it because he told me to." 

She then knocked her out with a single punch and then the Bank Manager had led the Squad to the vault room and Ms. Armageddon called Lucy on her radio and said, "Disable the silent alarm for the Bank." Lucy replied, "I can't, the silent alarm has already been activated and the cops are en route to the bank." 

Ms. Armageddon said," Fuck! Then we'll get out of here as fast as we can." 

The Manager then led them to the vault and Mr. Armageddon said, "This is not the vault!" and the Manager said, "It is! This is our vault!" and El Capitan said, "We're not talking about this vault. We're talking about Leonardo's vault." 

The Manager said, "Ok, there's a door just like the one we went through to get to here and behind that door is an elevator that will take you down only one floor to a long hallway and at the end of it is a big metal door and behind that door is the vault you're looking for." 

Creole Cheetah then said, "Then take us there!" The Manager then replied, "I can't, I can only unlock the first door, the other one I can't, only Leonardo can go through that door plus there's a bunch of guards in there, and you need Leonardo's handprint and retina to open the vault." 

Ms. Armageddon then asked, "Why would a bank that's owned by Stark Industries allow a mob boss to have his own vault here?" The Manager answered, "That's because Stark Industries only owns the franchise that this bank was once part of, they don't own the building. I'm just a Manager, I only do what the owner of the building tells me." 

He then unlocked the door to the stairway and Mr. Armageddon knocked him out and Him and The ASA went down the stairs and got to the metal door. 

When they got there, Mr. Armageddon said, "Alright, El Capitan and Rasta Lion, break down that door." 

El Capitan and Rasta Lion both nodded and they went back to the beginning of the hallway and everyone else stood flat against the wall as El Capitan and Rasta Lion came down the hall fast yelling and then putting their full strength and weight on the door causing it to come loose of its hinges and destroying the door frame and taking the entire door with them to reveal a room full of guards and El Capitan and Rasta Lion rammed the door into a wall and crushing two guards and then Mr. Armageddon and the rest of the Armageddon Squad went in and shot every guard in the room. 

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