Chapter 1

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(Y/N) = Your name

(N/N) = Nickname 

(H/C) = hair color


"Miss Foster!" I heard Mr. Sweeny's nasal voice ring out, I opened my eyes just in time to see him yank out my sister's earbuds. I glared lightly with my mismatched eyes, one was brown while the other was a stormy grayish blue. He does know that could have injured her right? "Have you decided you are too smart to pay attention to this information?" He sneered at her. I saw her open her eyes as she tried not to wince at the bright lights.

"No Mr. Sweeny" Her soft voice mumbled, she shrank and I realized the whole class was looking our way. I myself also shrank back, although the glares weren't directed toward me. I pulled my (h/c) hair in front of me as I cast my eyes down. I was wearing my usual shorts and sweatshirt, both gray. We both hated attention, so hiding was the only way to not receive it, yet somehow the world hated us and we still got it. An example: we are both 12-year-old high school seniors.

"Then perhaps you can explain why you were listening to your iPod rather than following along." Mr. Sweeny shot back holding up her earbuds. I sighed wanting to help her but this was one of those situations I couldn't help with and could only make worse. He had dragged the class to an old museum and thought we would enjoy it, but obviously, we didn't and would only be interested if the dinosaurs came back to life and started eating people. Ah, what I would pay to see that, oh or eat me! Put me out of my terrible misery, I sighed dreamily but then realized that then I would be leaving my sister all alone. Ugh, life sucks!!

I zoned out and ignored everything and everyone around me, just thinking about life and stu- is that a fly? My eyes started watching it moving around the room. I felt a rough shove at my side and looked up to see our main bully who had roughly shoved my shoulder. Yeah- I never cared to learn his name. I fiddled with the gloves on my hands as he started to insult my sister. "Great job super freak" he sneered "Maybe they will write another article about you-" before he could finish I cut him off.

"Back off," I said quietly but somehow he heard and stalked over toward me, his taller frame towering over my own intimidatingly. For some reason, he always liked to get up close to me like that as annoying as it is. I asked my sister to try and find out why and she simply said that I reminded him of his sister who he hates, so I just ignored it afterward, can't do anything about it so why try? I fingered my gloves a little more, a nervous habit. Ever since I was five whenever I had physical contact with someone I always got this rush of something like emotions, but I knew they weren't mine. Our parents always said it was just me being in tune with how people feel, but I knew it was more than that. So I just wear gloves, I don't like feeling others' emotions.

"And why should I freak eyes" He sneered in my face. I just sighed and stepped back with a slight smirk on my face. Although I was quiet and didn't look like it I was pretty good at insulting people.

"Because your just a stupid boy who is sour about not being accepted into the school he wanted while two 12-year-olds were." That got him stuttering and red from embarrassment while all his friends laughed at him, as they walked away Sophie bumped my shoulder playfully and smiled at me. I just giggled at her.

We stood there in that room as our class left to the other room, I could tell the distance and walls didn't help with Sophie's headache and the voices. I softly took off my glove off and grabbed Sophie's hand giving it a light squeeze, she relaxed at the touch, and her emotions rushed at me with full force like a dam being broken down. I could feel hers, heck a few everyone's emotions without contact but when I did make contact it felt intense and overwhelming, it felt like a dam breaking, so that's how I describe it as. My knees started to shake, Sophie saw and tried to pull away but I didn't let her so she just pulled me to lean on her.

The Twin Sister (If Sophie had a twin Sister AU)Where stories live. Discover now