Chapter 24

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(Y/N) was rubbing the scar on her chin deep in thought, she had been training with the man, who she now knew as Henry or Mr. Jones but he didn't like formalities, for three months. At first, it was hard, like really hard, but he said it was hard so that he can build up her endurance. But as soon as he put her into fighting and she got hurt he realized, she barely felt any pain, if at all. She physically was wounded and no doubt had sprains and other things but she couldn't feel a thing, although there was a dull soreness or throbbing telling her where it hurt, but nothing.

He was smart though, he didn't take advantage of this. He stayed in the mindset that you were still four, well five now. He pushed her but not to the point where she couldn't handle it although she always said she could. Sophie who always sat in the corner and watched or drew in her book agreed with him. (Y/N) didn't want her going to the playground and getting bullied and their parents just thought these were self-defense classes you took an interest in and the man was kind enough to teach you for free so they were cool with it.

Currently, it was late at night, and (Y/N) had snuck away from her house to come for late-night lessons. Sophie chose to stay home tonight. (Y/N) was on water break for a few minutes and she just rubbed her scar thoughtfully. Some kids had made fun of her for it and although she seemed unfazed to them deep down it hurt, it didn't look very nice on her. Henry walked in and saw this.

"What's wrong?" he said in his rough voice, startling her out of her thoughts.

"Oh, nothing." She said and got up thinking they were going to continue training. Henry gently grabbed her shoulder and bent down onto one knee.

"What's wrong, kid?"

"Nothing just some kids at school, making fun of my chin scar."

"And you believe them?"

"No . . . . well maybe a little."


"What?" She stuttered a little startled at how his face hardened and his voice sounded thousands of years older than he actually was.

"Don't believe them, they don't what they're talking about. Scars a sign of a survivor."

"Really?" (Y/N) asked showing a hint of a smile.

"Yes. Scars mean you went through something tough in the past, survived it, and came back stronger. Never forget that. Scars mean your a survivor and I know you are a warrior. You won't ever stop protecting the people you care about. Your tough (Y/N) and this scar," He pointed at her scar, and a soft smile finally broke out onto his face." is proof." (Y/N)'s heart swelled with happiness at his words, in such a short time they had become so close. Henry pulled her into a hug and she nearly at both her own and his emotions. Pride and happiness were the strongest that were being felt at that moment.

Henry pulled away and stood up. "Come one, kid." He said grabbing his and her coat and heading for the door as he handed her her own.

"Where are we going?" She asked begrudgingly putting on the coat, he always insisted she wore it when it was cold although she never felt cold.

"You'll see."

"Y'know, old man, that's really fucking ominous."

"I'm surprised you know such a big word."

"I'm five not stupid."

"You wanna bet on that?"


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