Chapter 20

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We were sitting with Bianna at study hall today when suddenly Stina sat next to me. I glared at her, she was oddly confident today.

"I never knew you were such a good actress." she sneered, I rose an eyebrow and Sophie froze.

"W-what are you talking about?" Sophie asked with a tilted head.

"Not you, foster— you're not good at anything. I meant Bianna. I know your secret."

Bianna glared at her, oohh whatever it is it's juicy! "Oooh, I'm really scared."

"You should be." Bianna shifted in her chair, her eyes shooting between me and Sophie. Hmm? What's this secret?

"She doesn't know anything. She's just trying to trick you into admitting something." Sophie said grabbing her things and pulling me out of my seat. "Come on. Let's sit somewhere else." But before Bianna could grab her stuff Stina slammed her arm across them.

"Oh but I do know something. See, since you've been ignoring Maruca lately, she and I have become quite close— and she's had some great stories to tell. This morning she told me the most interesting thing about the reason you and these twins became friends." Huh, me and Bianna were already friends. "Oh and you might be thinking, weren't we already friends. Right, (Y/N)?" Bro don't read my mind like that. "Well according to Maruca she only became friends with you because you're the only girl in the school that doesn't like her family and that intrigued her."

All the color drained from Bianna's face and I tensed as Sophie froze.

"What is she talking about?" Sophie asked quietly.

Stina grinned evilly at Bianna. "Should I tell them, or do you want to do it?"

"Tell us what?" I spat at them harshly glaring, Bianna flinched but right now I honestly didn't care.

Stina giggled. " It's really quite funny. She was forced to be friends with you. Her dad wanted to keep a closer watch on the freaky human girl who practically killed his son in a splotching match, along with the twin sister that completely hates him and his son for no exact reason that always seems to break rules and cause trouble. So he ordered Bianna to be your friend so you'd come around their house."

There was clear panic in Bianna's eyes as both me and Sophie felt sick. "Is that true?" Sophie asked quietly.

"Of course it's true," Stina interrupted. "She hated you before that, remember? Did you really think she suddenly wanted to be best friends for no reason?" Stina stared at us for a second. "Hmm. I guess you did. You're even dumber than I thought."

I was too frozen to move or shoot some kind of snarky comment back. Bianna shot out of her seat reaching for Sophie. "Don't!" Sophie yelled at her.

"Sophie," Bianna pleaded with her but Sophie shook her head and ran out. Bianna then turned to me knowing a wait a few seconds after Sophie runs out to run after her. "(Y/N)-"

"Save it!" I yelled at her and she stumbled back as I stormed out, walking, unlike my sister who had ran. I turned the corner to see her talking to Fitz and Keefe.

"Just stop already." I heard her say as I approached.

"Stop what?" Fitz asked.

"Stop pretending like you care. I know your dad put you up to it, okay?"

"That's crazy," Keefe said and looked at Fitz for backup as I got even closer. My hand curled into a fist as Fitz looked away in shame. This fucking asswhole.

"What did Bianna tell you?"

"Nothing," Sophie hissed at him glaring. "neither of you had the decency, to be honest with me. I had to hear it from Stina.

Fitz muttered something then, "Sophie, it's-" But he didn't get a chance to finish as I finally arrived right next to Sophie and punched him square in the face and we heard a sickening crack as he fell back and groaned in pain. Sophie wasted no time in pulling out her home crystal, grabbing me, and leaping us away.

Sophie ran past Grady and Edaline but Edaline caught me before I ran after her. "Here take this." She handed me a cute little ball of fur. "and be careful down there, a storm is coming."

"Ok," I said then a sudden pit of dread filled my stomach. I stopped and carefully took off my jacket revealing many scars from fights in the forbidden cities as well as an intricate tattoo of a phoenix taking up the whole of my left arm. Both the adults gasped, it was the first time seeing me without any sleeves on meaning its the first time seeing the tattoo. I gave Edaline my jacket. "Take this, we'll be back, I promise."

I walked into the cave seeing Sophie crying on the ground but more importantly seeing the dark figure sneaking up behind her. I ran at it and kicked them in the shin. They yelled in pain and Sophie swiftly turned around to see what happened. The man quickly recovered and went to grab me but I was faster.

I dodged and took out my dagger, they took out their own and we went on to fight. It felt just like one of my sparing matches in the ring back in the human cities but this time it was real. The person seemed surprised I could actually fight but they didn't let it affect them.

We kept fighting, twisting and turning, throwing attacks and dodging. Then we heard it. Sophie's scream. I whipped around to see someone holding her down drugging her with a cloth. I was about to run to her but then felt a harsh shove on my back. I fell to the ground and before I could move someone forced their knee onto my back and pulled my face up by grabbing my hair and pulling. They shoved a wet cloth onto my nose and mouth and forced me the breath it, soon black dots filled my vision.

Then Dex came and they grabbed him too, no not the cinnamon roll!! I thrashed in the person's hold more and the guy dug his knee into my back harder, I cried out in pain. Sophie and Dex hearing my cry realized I was still fighting and screamed at me through their own gags to stop. I did. And I let the fogginess take over and fell unconscious hoping, praying to whatever being is out there that Sophie and Dex would be okay. 


1145 words

You guys hate for ending there don't you? Did you like it? Well that's it. 

Drink food, eat water and sleep 4 hours+ or else Valin will become a love interest. Also I need to get Jay in here more. Maybe some little moments I'll figure it out later. 

Bye loves!! And thanks for all the support and reads! 


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