Chapter 23

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No Ones POV~

(Y/N) tossed and turned in bad that night, absorbed in the dream she was having. Well more like memory. 


Let's set the image, it was on a playground. Two girls, both four, one was on the ground with long blonde hair and brown eyes. She had clearly been pushed over and the other girl stood over her in shorts and a black oversized sweatshirt. She had a black choker on and her (H/C) was in a ponytail. Her mismatched eyes glared at the group of kids standing around them. Their names were Sophie and (Y/N), they were twins and outcasts among their peers.

The kids tended to bully Sophie but not (Y/N) because she is known for being able to beat up someone twice her size verbally. But today was the day they found out how protective she was. Unfortunately, it was older kids today so they were stronger than her. They gave her a nasty cut on her chin bone, ripping skin and no doubt causing a scar to be left behind.

She charged at the kid again but he just laughed and pushed her down punching her. She glared hard and when he wasn't looking went for his weak spot. His side that he left open and unprotected. She kicked it and he cried out in pain then she hopped back and readied her foot again and kicked him where the sun don't shine causing him to freeze and fall to the floor groaning.

The other boys looked visibly uncomfortable and had winced when she kicked him there. The girls all grinned and snickered. The boy quickly got back up and grabbed her.

"You little-"

"Hey!" A deep voice yelled and they turned to see a man staring right at them. He had dark graying hair and pale but handsome features, he also had dark blue eyes that could pass as black. He was wearing odd clothes, clearly a foreigner. He stormed over and yelled at the kids to leave, eventually, they did. "You girls alright?" He turned to the two girls with a soft look on his face. Sophie nodded politely and said thank you but (Y/N) wasn't as nice.

"I'm fine, I was winning anyway."

"It didn't look that way and I've seen many fights in my day." He said clearly amused. She puffed out her cheeks.

"I could take care of myself!"

"I never said you couldn't but it never hurts to get some help sometimes."

"Whatever, old man." The man laughed at her and ruffled both girls' hair.

"Best you two get home, it will be sundown pretty soon."

"We will sir, thank you again," Sophie said quickly before (Y/N) could be rude again, Sophie pulled (Y/N) away as (Y/N) gave the man a dirty look. She raised her hand and pointed at her eyes than to the man and he only smiled.


It's been two months since that incident and the man showed up and saved them a few more times. He seemed to take that road a lot. He always caught (Y/N) protecting Sophie in some way, whether it be from bullying or from falling off the swing. By the third time of having to save them from bullying, he had given (Y/N) a card and a choice of words.

"If you ever need help just call me, or even if you want to learn how to actually fight."

(Y/N) had gotten sick one day and practically ordered Sophie to go to the playground and have fun but when she got back she was bruised and hurt and said the man had protected her again. So (Y/N) remembered the man's words and called him up.

>Hello?< His deep voice answered the phone late that night when she called, he didn't seem in the slightest bit tired and there was a low buzzing noise behind him telling her he had just exited a loud building to answer the phone.

>Uh hi? This is (Y/N) err one of the girls you had saved from bullying at the playground.< She said regretting the call but she didn't hang up, too late now.

>Ah hello, (Y/N). What can I do for you?<

>Can you . . . . . teach me how to fight?<

There was silence on the other end but eventually, the man answered, he seemed a little happy when he answered too but not in a creepy way.

>Of course I can, Kiddo.< 


700 words

Ok here is the back story, they will come in chapters at a time, not all at once so yeah. Also two chapters in one day again, YAY!. 

I'm not making another threat just eat and drink water also sleep. 

Bye loves!!


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