Chapter 3

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"This is Atlantis?" Sophie asked and I heard the disappointment in her voice as she tried not to trip. They started to converse as Alden walked up to a rock and opened it - let me just say COOL! secret compartment- and pulled a bottle out. I started hopping on the rocks one by one like I was playing hopscotch and Sophie stared at me like I was crazy. Hah, wish you didn't change your sneakers out for heels now do ya, sis!

Alden threw the bottle into the water and it turned into a whirlpool. I smiled a big grin as he said "Ladies first."

"I'm sorry - what?"

"Hell yeah!"

You can guess who said what. Sophie looked at me like I have lost my mind and I just gave her the 'girl I don't have self-preservation, are you seriously surprised?" look. I smiled and turned to the edge as I spoke.

"This is going to be fun, two possible results, 1# I travel through a whirlpool, awesome or 2# I die, WHICH IS EVEN BETTER!!" I yelled as ran toward the edge. At the last second, I twisted my body to face them and jumped backward. I folded my legs like I was sitting on the couch and brought my left arm behind my head while I did a mock solute to them with my right. I had a half grin half smirk on my face as I yelled "SEE YOU AT THE BOTTOM SUCKERS!!" And fell, I heard Sophie screech and scream as Alden and Fitz laughed at my enthusiasm.

I fell down and felt like I was falling down a slide upside-down and was soon spat out and landed on a big sponge that sucked all the water from my clothes and then launched me back into the air. The grin fell from my face as I realized I was about to land on the ground head first. Me being well me stayed quiet waiting for impact when I heard a small girly 'eek' and stopped mid-air. I lifted my head slightly to see a man with dirty blonde hair and dark navy blue eyes. He looked around 25 and had a freaked-out expression on his face. He had his hand outstretched clearly the one that stopped my fall with telekinesis, cool.

We just stood there staring at each other for a moment until Alden appeared and grabbed me, turning me right-side-up and placing me on the ground causing the man to let go. Alden patted my now messed-up hair down as he turned to thank the man for catching me. But the man was already gone. Hmm, creepy and mysterious . . . . . . I like it!

Sophie came down next and looked a little freaked but still ran to me and checked me over. Then turned to Alden and asked if I fell or anything, wow sissy can't you trust me? Before Alden replied to her she turned to me with a deadpan and flatly said "No." I pouted she either read my head or knew what I was thinking from experience. Alden then told her how I nearly fell onto my head and about that man, f-ing traitor that could have been your chance to make me change my mind about you.

Anyway, Sophie fussed over me even more as Fitz came. We walked into the city and I was amazed by all of it and was about to run off when I felt something tight around my waist. I looked and saw it was a cloth and turned to see the other end held by Fitz. I gave them all horrified looks as they told me no running off, They. Did. Not. Just. Leash. Me. I started chuckling which soon turned into a which cackle. I looked back at them with a smile and glint in my eye, they all had freaked out and scared looks on their faces. "You think this can hold me? ME?!" I yelled and they realized a moment too late what I was going to do. I ran at full speed and Fitz started to get dragged on the ground. He had little tear drops at the corners of his eyes, which were wide open, and his mouth was open letting out a loud girly scream. he held onto the clothe like his life depended on it.

I laughed, payback for dragging me around yesterday bitch. I kept running and many people stopped to stare, some took out these weird blue squares and clicked them, and I realized they were elves' versions of phones, oh thank whatever god was out there they had phones. Some other people were laughing their asses off and staring. Suddenly I caught sight of a boy, he had messy blonde hair and ice blue eyes. He then started running next to me for some reason. He had a cheeky grin on his face too as he yelled back to the screaming Fitz. "Having fun back there, Fitzy poo!!"

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