Just more (Y/N) memes i guess?

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~During the time (Y/N) was still kidnapped~

Stina : what are going to do about?

Stina : call your sister?

Everyone : *freezes*

Stina : oh wait *smirks* she's dead.

Sophie : *almost cries*

Across the world-

(Y/N) : *freezes*

(Y/N) : someone hurt Sophie.

Gethen : *stops torturing and interrogating her* what?

(Y/N) : *stops the bleeding with a technique Elwin taught and tries to rush past him*  MY SISTER SENSES ARE TINGLING!!!!!!

Gisela : *watching through the cameras* what the actual fu-


(Y/N) going back to school after being believed to be dead for 2 years.

Show and tell

(Y/N) : I'm on display for all you fuckers to see.


Fitz : You called me a whore and pushed me in front of a flying throwing star.



The gang cornered by the Neverseen.

(Y/N) : I know how to drop my pulse to zero but only for sixty seconds, run. *snaps fingers then falls to the ground*

The gang : AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!


Gethen : You really need to get over her.

Ruy : Shut up!


(Y/N) : There's no need to be afraid of me, I don't bite.

Prisoner : Yeah but do you stab.

(Y/N) : ............ I don't bite?


Ok this one isn't a meme or anything and I know it's sad but .....

I saw this picture and couldn't help thinking this would fit (Y/N) and Sophie perfectly if (Y/N) actually died

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I saw this picture and couldn't help thinking this would fit (Y/N) and Sophie perfectly if (Y/N) actually died.

I'm sorry but I couldn't help saying it.

Anyway back to the memes.


(Y/N) : I am a regent.

(Y/N) : I have stopped Ruy Ignis many many times.

(Y/N : and have been kidnapped by the neverseen many times and survived.

Grady : yeah your still not getting a gun.

(Y/N) : but dad come on!! I'm 16 now!!

Grady : No.


(Y/N) : I just realized

(Y/N) : I had a bad childhood.

Jess : yeah I know.

(Y/N) : what?

Jess : well look at you.

Jess : people with good childhoods don't stand like that.

(Y/N) : *angry phenix noises*

(You will understand why I refer to her as 'phenix' in later chapters + Jess is introduced not introduced in this book but an alternate universe book so don't expect him to be in here)


Keefe : *flirting with Sophie*

Sophie : *blushing*

(Y/N) + Grady : *overprotective family noises*

Edaline : * holding them back*


This one is a meme of well my life, made it myself.

My lesbian ass : Keeper of the Lost Cities girls they're unforgettable!! 🎶

My sister : hey ! *tense eye contact* .... those aren't the lyrics.

Me : fuck you.

My sister : shut up I'm on the phone!

Me : *raises volume and changes song*

The music : I like girls I like breasts I like chests—

My sister : * stares t me weirdly and walks out*

Me : Ah the fun of being the only gay one in the family.

Me : .... *changes song back*


My sister : SHUT THE FUCK UP!!


Sophie : it begins with L like the L word

Keefe + (Y/N) : *eye contact* lesbians?

Sophie : Lost guys were lost.

Keefe + (Y/N) : *laughs*


I was bored and guessing you were too so here.


The Twin Sister (If Sophie had a twin Sister AU)Where stories live. Discover now