Chapter 5

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"What kind of animal reserve is this?" Sophie asked but I ignored her and looked around me in a daze, all the animals, so fluffy or scaly, so dangerous or cute. I want to touch them. LET ME TOUCH THEM!! Suddenly we heard a roar and we saw a a thrashing green feathered dinosaur.

"Oh stop being a drama queen!" Yelled a husky voice coming from the dinosaur, wait THEY CAN TALK!! "Ok here goes nothing!" Said the voice and gnomes pulled the ropes hard enough causing the dinosaur to pull its head down and reveal a man on her back. Oh boo, they can't talk. Oh well.

"Need a hand, Grady?" called Alden, wait- our new dad is up there? "OMG!! OUR NEW DAD IS TARZAN!!" I felt someone hit me over the head and I looked to see Sophie giving me a blank look and Alden a confused one, "heh I said that out loud huh." All I got was a nod. Soon a man came over covered in bright green feathers. He had blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Sorry about that." He said and I stared at him in a daze.

"No problem, my friend, Verdi giving you trouble again?" Alden asked

"That's why she's our permanent resident." He said with a grin. Alden then looked at us.

"Would you girls like to pet the tyrannosaurus?" Alden asked


"Is it safe?" Sophie asked holding the back of my shirt as I tried to run to Verdi with a wide smile. Grady laughed heartedly at us as he spoke. He said a full sentence but all I heard was 'it is', so I ripped Sophie's hand away and ran forward. I stopped and she lowered her head to my height to look at me. I breathed out as I stared at her big beautiful yellow eye. I softly reached up and ran my hand up her muzzle and she closed her eyes.

I then looked at her neck and saw a bit of red, I reached over to spread the feathers and saw a hole with blood dribbling out. I hovered my hand over the wound and suddenly light blue light started pouring out and pulled my hand back quickly, I looked around and only Sophie who had been standing next to me noticed. She furrowed her brows and asked, "should we tell them?" I shook my head and called out to Grady.

"She's still in pain." He came over and said that the wound was deep and rubbed a stinky cream over it.

We then went inside and were greeted by a beautiful woman, she had amber hair and turquoise eyes. She had purple eye bags and before anyone can speak I went through my bag and pulled out a candle. I walked up to Edaline and handed it to her. She looked confused and I explained. "Uh- it's for eye bags and helps with stress. I made it myself with herbs and stuff I grow and pick in my garden. I always use it when I feel tired and can't sleep or feel stressed. It helps calm my mind down and relaxes your muscles, it really helps and you look like you need it, uh-but only if you want to of course!" I shout the last part and started stuttering thinking it was a mistake when I got weird looks. She smiled softly and fixed her grip on it.

"Thank you, very much. Now I assume your Sophie, Alden said (Y/N) was quite chaotic, his words not mine." I just smiled and stepped back.

"It's alright, but actually I'm (Y/N). And yes I am chaotic, I just choose when and where, you will figure that out in the soon future." I said, while not so discretely elbowing Alden in the ribs very hard. His face contorted into pain and he held his side as he groaned. As Edaline told Grady to freshen up and yelled at him about her telling him to be presentable and Sophie just stared on I stuck my middle finger at Alden behind my back, he saw and looked flabbergasted.

"What's wrong? Alden?" Edaline asked seeing his face.

"She-she just flipped me off." He muttered in disbelief and horror, Edaline not believing a 'sweet' girl like me can do such a thing -hah already fooled them into believing I'm innocent, score!! - put her hands on her hips with an unhappy noise.

The Twin Sister (If Sophie had a twin Sister AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum