Chapter 12

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Dex had refused to be around the Vacker's so me and Sophie switched between him and the Vacker house throughout the break, although I most of the time just wanted to lay down and sleep in or explode stuff. . . . . . or commit arson but we don't talk about those thoughts, shh!

Anyway, we, unfortunately, are back at school with Alina like usual spouting some greeting crap. Ugh, I just want to go back to sleep, you bitch. (I randomly remembered her abilities and now realized except for empathy forgot all of the abilities she's supposed to have, great)

Anyway, the week was boring so let's skip to the next one. We were eating lunch when a sweaty Dex Marella and Jensi sat with us. We spoke about random stuff with me ignoring the universe until prokinetics were mentioned. And Marella's comment just pissed me the fuck off.

"Oh, relax. There's only been like twelve—ever—so it's not exactly a huge problem."

"What if you had it?" I said staring her down with an icy glare. Everyone at the table froze. They looked at me shocked that I even take interest in such a topic.

"What?" Marella asked and my glare turned harder.

"What if you had it? Don't just dismiss the ability and ignore another person's pain just because you don't have it. Put yourself in their situations, have empathy and I don't mean the ability I mean real empathy." I said shocking everyone, yes I have real empathy is that such a surprise?! "How would you feel, constantly hiding how you feel, being marked a disgrace for something you can't control. How would you feel for being blamed and shamed like you were the one who killed those people? How would you feel if you had to hide your true self, forever live in sadness and emptiness, and even more! How would you fucking feel!" I ended up yelling and the room was dead silent, I took a deep breath to calm myself down before I finished. "My point is, just because there are only a few of them doesn't mean the pain and discrimination isn't there. Don't disgrace them and undermine them when you don't even know what they're going threw." I said and sat back down. I hadn't even noticed I had stood and slammed my hands on the table. I then grinned getting my goofy self back. "Anyway, for all we know they could be plotting to kill us."

~ Across the World~

A slim long blonde haired man felt a shiver go down his spine as he conversed with a man whose face was covered in scars. He reached up and rubbed the back of his neck while narrowing his eyes.

"What's wrong Fintan?" The scarred man asked seeing the change in the man with pointed ears in front of him.

"I don't know, just feels like someone's on to us," Fintan said smoothing the smoke of the flame he hadn't known sparked in his hand when the feeling crossed over him.

"That's impossible."

"It is, but it's smarter not to ignore it."

~Back to (Y/N)~

After that school was boring again except for work, it was actually fun. (I kinda forgot about her job honestly) Well, it was fun until that creepy lady walked in.

We were brewing something in the back when it happened. The thing we were brewing wasn't very interesting but what made it fun was that it kept exploding. EXPLOSIONS!!! Anyway we heard someone walk in and I fully intended to ignore them, not in the mood for another Karen but Kesler told me to assist them.

I walked into the front although annoyed and found a woman that looked like a female version of Asswhole, ah right the other asswhole not Alden. What was his name again, bitch-ass, crankyass, sassyass, oh Cassius. Anyway, his female look-alike had walked in and was waiting for me. When I stood in front of her I looked her up and down.

"Keefe's mother I assume," I said and her lips tightened.

"Lady Gisela and unfortunately yes." She practically sneered, ew what's her deal. " How might you know him?"

I grinned, "Hi name's (Y/N), formerly known as female Keefe Sencen and now known as hot prankster bad girl, or as you, I guess asked Keefe's prank partner and best friend." The woman looked annoyed. Bitch.

"I didn't ask and wasn't the Vacker his best friend." Now I gave her an annoyed look.

"People are capable of having more than one best friend," I said and finally, Kesler came in and took over, although I kept glancing at the woman. I noticed the little things, like the way she walked or how firm her voice was. When you fight long enough, both fighting ring-wise and war-wise, you pick up a few things. She clearly had the stance of a warrior and the voice of a leader, but she seemed to suppress it for some reason. Creepy. That's all I could come up with because of the aura surrounding her. It was dark and mysterious, along with manipulative. Yeah uh I know to stay away from this lady.

~The Next Day~

It was now night and me, Dex and Soph were at some empty place searching for stars for homework. I basically let them do all the work because I didn't want to although Dex was giving me looks throughout the time and Sophie being used to this didn't care, wait that makes me sound like a spoiled bitch. I do do my own work! . . . .  sometimes, listen the rest of the time I just don't do it. I don't make people do my homework, ok.

 Suddenly Sophie burned her hands and I rushed over, as she told Dex to call Elwin I examined her hands but glared at her. "Y'know I could do something right?" I said and she looked at me with a raised eyebrow and a knowing look.

"Oh? Well can you do something?" she asked and I stayed silent, she smirked. "Exactly."


"Now you're calling me at home and dragging me out of bed? Maybe it was better when you were afraid of me," Elwin teased when he got here. As Elwin's first serum failed and made another Sophie turned to Dex and me.

"You guys don't have to stay here, y'know." She said.

"Ok!" I said standing up, I was tired. . . . yes even though I was having a nap like five minutes ago, deal with it.

"What kind of friend would I be if left?" Dex said catching my arm and pulling me back down. I pouted, little bitch. I'm getting too predictable, gotta change tactics. But how?

I zoned out and took a nap on Sophie's lap the rest of the night because honestly? BORING! Except for a lot of Dex having a crush on my sister, buts that's just gross.

Anyway this chapter of my life, yes I figured you out universe! You use my life for entertainment you sick asswholes!! . . . . . . my life's cool, right? Anyway was very boring so come back next time to see how my sister broke another law and somehow I got dragged down with her! 


Yeah nothing interesting happened except for (Y/N) being bored and taking naps so come back next to see how she acts toward the council, even I don't know yet! Wait she also defended arsonists so there's that, hmm oh and the Fintan and Gisela thing ehh not interesting but still.


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