Chapter 30

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(Y/N)'s POV

My heart started racing and my breathing quickened but I didn't know why. I've heard her voice many times before. let alone actually saw her but I guess hearing it after I was rescued triggered something in me. I fell back against the wall as Tam and Dex came over to calm me down and Sophie brought the imparter outside the room to do whatever with.

Dex grabbed my shoulders and started telling me 'to calm down' and 'she isn't actually here' but the ringing in my ears was too great to pay attention to. I didn't calm down until I felt two semi-cold fingers against my forehead and cold a rush of soft cold, but the pleasant kind, rush through my head. My breathing slowed and I calmed down. That was actually my first time feeling anything akin to cold, because of being a pyrokinetic and all. I ...... missed it, I never really liked or was affected by the cold until I lost it when I awakened the ability, guess the saying 'you don't miss something until it's gone' is true huh.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Tam standing over me, he still had two fingers pressed against my forehead and he was kinda close. We stared at each other for a few minutes and I wanted to say his eyes were beautiful (cause they were) and see if he can blush but something else slipped out of my mouth instead.

"Well, are you going to get out of my face, Kitty?" I said and to act cool I curled my lips into a teasing smirk. He scoffed slightly and backed away and hid himself in a corner but I swear his cheeks turned pink slightly.

Sophie walked back in and came straight to me. "Are you ok?" She asked grabbing my shoulders and it took me saying it five times for her to let go. "Good so what happened?"

"I think it was something called PTSD," Dex said and I shrugged.

"She wouldn't calm down so I spread some shadows through her head to see if it would help because shadows are cold," Tam explained to them what happened and I smiled sweetly.

"Yeah, felt really good. You can do that to me whenever you want, pretty boy!" I said winking and he just sank deeper into the shadows muttering something. Dex made fake gagging noises as Fitz and Sophie crossed their arms and when I looked at Biana she had a sour look on her face. I felt her emotions and she seemed . . . . . . . jealous? Nah impossible.

Biana walked over to me and just stood next to me as we all went on to talk about what Gisela had said on the call.

~The Next Day~

We were at Everglem with Forkle talking about some shit I don't really care to pay attention to. Then when I zoned back in they were all looking at me. Shit.


"You weren't paying attention."


"Do you might know anything about the Neverseen? Weaknesses? Plans? Anything?" Sophie asked me and I just stared at her with an 'are you serious' look.

"Why would I know anything?"

"Oh, I don't know maybe the fact that you personally know two members of the Neverseen?" Fitz said.

"Ok that doesn't mean they told me anything," I said and they all looked disappointed, realizing I was telling the truth and don't actually know anything. Forkle cleared his throat and turned to me and Sophie.

"Miss Foster err Miss (Y/N), the council has decided you will also be coming along to the peace summit." He said Sophie shot up in her chair.

"What! But she just got out of the healing center!"

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