Chapter 15

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I woke up to Sophie, as usual, hugging my side as she slept. I groaned from a headache and turned toward Sophie, fully planning to skip school today. The door quietly opened, clearly by a master of people who sneak into the rooms of twelve-year-old girls while they are sleeping- I mean of sleeping people. I would have not heard it if it weren't for the fact I am sensitive to any noise so can hear almost anything. I could tell it was Edaline by her soft footsteps and whispering voice.

She shook Sophie lightly, clearly not wanting to wake me. "Sophie, Sophie wake up."

"Hmm," Sophie hummed slightly forcing herself a wake.

"C'mon you have school, (Y/N)'s staying home after what happened yesterday."

"M'kay." She tried getting out of bed but I just tightened my grip wanting to stay comfortable.

"No leave," I said and they both deadpanned, Edaline tried to help Sophie out but I went as far as to hiss at her. After a few seconds, Edaline sighed.

"Fine Sophie you can stay home today." A satisfied hum left me and they realized I was awake the whole time. Edaline left the room and we slept for a good six more hours until Grady came in yelling.

"Come on! It's two in the afternoon, get up!" He said impatiently tapping his foot. We groaned and he did the worst thing possible, open the shades. He clapped his hands and they opened. Sophie yelped and fell off the bed and I full-on screamed 'BLOODY MURDER' while simultaneously trying to claw my eyes out and pull the blanket over my head. Fucking asswhole that's what Grady is. A fucking asswhole. "Murder of what?" He said trying to pull it off me and Sophie who had crawled back into the safety of the dark sheets from the toxic sun that kills us. Unfortunately for him, we had a death grip on it.

"OF US!!!" We both yelled at the same time. Why we always in a mood. Goddamn, I'm always so rude, sister always gotta keep me under control. Don't ask just came to mind.

"Oh don't be so dramatic!" He laughed trying to pull the blanket off us. It took him six gnomes and one and a half hours to pull it off us. I screamed again and threw whatever was the closest thing to me at Grady, which just so happened to be a knife. Wow. He screamed and ducked, if he hadn't it would have nailed him right in between the eyes. "(Y/N)!" He yelled at me and there started a lecture. Ugh.

Anyway boring so let's skip to something else.

Bianna cornered us in a hallway weeks later. "Are you guys mad at me?" She asked, uh let's backtrack, what?

"What? No. Why?" Oh, it's one of those conversations where you ignore I exist, yay.

"You haven't come over in at least three weeks. It was before the school was evacuated."

"Sorry. I've been super busy."

"Do you want to come over this weekend?"

"I don't think we can." Speak for yourself.

"How about next weekend?" Insistent much, I don't even got plans for today, cool down.

".... uh sure," Sophie said.

"Cool I'll tell my parents so they know to be over," Bianna said then turned to me.

"Your not busy right?"

"Nah, I'll always make time for you, Bi." I winked, finally a successful flirt! Her cheeks turned pink slightly and she turned on her heel and left. Sophie turned to me with a raised eyebrow and an amused look on her face.

"Shut it, at least I flirt with my crush, unlike some people."

"Yeah, and are they even good flirts?"



"Insulting me with big human history words is not only sad but just proves you're a nerd."

"Shut up."

Let's skip again since I'm bored. Except for Dex giving Sophie some elixir and almost killing her with me doing the same thing that happened when she fell unconscious but this time the teacher actually left me to sit with my sister, knowing she almost died, nothing happened.

Wait- you actually want to hear about that?

Well, come back next time to hear about it folks. Good day and good night, guys!

Oh what's that author, I'm going to get kidnapped soon, ok. . . . . . . . . . WAIT I'M GOING TO GET KIDNAP–


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Well you heard the girl tune in next time! Also you can't honestly tell me Sophie wouldn't insult someone with big human words and am I the only one that thinks she would start yelling and screaming in random human languages when she's mad, and it would be funny to watch. The Tiktok audio that goes 'I'm going full on Mexican on your bitch ass' just came to mind, help! 

Anyway the chapterly threat, eat real food, drink real water and get real sleep not a few minutes or hours actual sleep or I will kill Stinky.



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