Chapter 16

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Dex had been nagging Sophie and me for weeks to try some elixir but I kept saying no, all too aware of the elves' nack for making their elixirs taste bad. Sophie also said no but eventually gave in, she needs to get a spine.

She took a few steps after drinking it and then became a slumped mess on the wall. "Uh, Soph, you alright there?"

"No, it's hot and I can barely-"

"Woah, what are those?" Dex asked pointing to some red bumps popping up on her skin. I paled and Sophie could barely get the word 'allergy' past her lips before she collapsed. She was still awake as I picked her up in my arms and ran for the healing center. Sophie may be taller than me but I was definitely stronger. To me, Sophie had the weight of a chicken, but on the outside, since she is taller when I carry her it looks like I'm struggling when I'm not.

"Hey! what's going on, oh god!" Fitz reached out to grab Sophie but I shoved his shoulder glaring daggers at him with a hiss as I kept running. He stood there frozen for a few seconds, a look of fear on his face like he just saw a bloodthirsty creature in front of him. Can't blame him though people have described me as such when I'm protecting Sophie.

Fitz caught up with us as Sophie barfed, I made sure to tilt her head a bit so it landed on the ground and not me as I jumped over it, the boys not being so lucky and slipping getting covered in the vomit. I ran into the Healing Center and the rest was a blur of Bullhorn screaming, Elwin getting Dex and Fitz out and left me inside to watch and help, learning experience, but I couldn't pay attention. My sister looked so bad she could die. Then I remembered, our allergy, it was fatal to us. Fucking Dex- no don't blame Dex he didn't know, he's just a sweet little cinnamon bun!

A few hours later Sophie is awake and fine, nothing to get into there except for her embarrassment of barfing. Oh yeah and Bullhorn screamed his head off which means Sophie could have died fun and I had to reveal I wasn't perfect by saying I also had the allergy. Boo. I threatened Elwin that if he told anyone I personally had it I would have his head but his 'I won't tell a soul' wasn't very believable. He also expectedly gave me a vile on a necklace as well in case I accidentally took limbium too and got a reaction.

When we got home Grady and Edaline had gone into a panic.

"Elwin?" Grady called, dropping everything when he saw us glitter into view. He raced over with Edaline hot on his heels. "What's going on?"

"I brought Sophie - and (Y/N) since she refused to go back to class - home to rest. She had a bit of a crisis."

"Crisis?" Edaline sounded panicked as she ushered everyone inside, and Elwin led Sophie to the couch with me plopping down and laying my head into Sophie's lap. "What happened?"

Sophie hid her face as Elwin gave them the full story, but just I closed my eyes ready to take a nap when Grady and Edaline gasped over Bullhorn screaming.

They both looked deathly pale.

"Did Bullhorn lay down beside her?" Grady asked. His voice sounded hollow. Banshees only did that when someone was on their final breaths I remembered Elwin had taught me once.

"Yes," Elwin admitted quietly. "At first he was just screaming, but then he got quiet and curled up against her chest—nearly gave me a heart attack."

"So . . . she almost died," Edaline whispered. Her eyes darted to Sophie and widened. "You almost died!"

Sophie shivered and I grinned.

"Yes she did, leave the almost dying to me, sis, that's my talent," I said and both Grady and Edaline glared at me.

The Twin Sister (If Sophie had a twin Sister AU)Where stories live. Discover now