Chapter 28

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Ok, now when I woke up from my nap I found the creepiest sight of my life. Actually, I've seen creepier but you get the point. It was Sophie and all of my friends hovering over my sleeping self. Staring at me.

"Y'know that's really creepy right?" I said not even opening my eyes. They all jumped back. But I was quickly grabbed into a tight hug by Sophie. I slowly hugged her back and she cried harder, hugging me tighter. "Ok, why don't you relax a little?"

"R-relax?" She asked softly as her grip got tighter, "I thought you were DEAD!! I am not going to relax! We all thought you were dead!" She yelled at me and I sighed hugging her back tightly, I missed her so much.

And with that, each of them gave me a very tight hug and wet my shirt with tears after Sophie although I stopped Fitz, Bianna, Grady, and Edaline. They all looked hurt.

"Why? We missed you?" Bianna asked clearly hurt. I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"Why? Well because you two aren't even my friends!" I said pointing at her and Fitz, "Well you were never my friend Fitz, and you" I said turning to Grady and Edaline. " I don't even know what to say to you," I said shaking my head and realization crossed Sophie's previously confused face.

"Oh! (Y/N) it's fine now, Bianna and Fitz and I made up! And Grady and Edaline did adopt us! It's fine." She said softly but I glared at them still. "Maybe you should talk to them alone." And with that, she led everyone but the four out.

"Fitz, leave we were never friends," I said plainly and Bianna snorted but was shut up by my glare. Fitz sighed in disappointment seeing that I still hated him but left either way.

"Well (Y/N), you see my dad may have put me up to being yours and Sophie's friend but I did really like you guys, You guys really were my friends and I'm sorry you had to learn that way. I really care about you guys and I'm sorry, can we still be friends?" She said and my eyes softened.

"Fine, but don't expect anything to be the same." She smiled and my heart fluttered. Guess that crush is still there.

"Thank you (Y/N) and I won't." She said and gave me a small hug before leaving me with Grady and Edaline.


"I don't get it," I said cutting off Grady.

"Get what, sweetie?" Edaline asked but I just stared at her coldly.

"I don't get how you can just act like nothing happened. You expect me to just forget about all the heartbreak and pain you put me through just because you readopted me. You expect me to go back to acting how I usually do but I won't. You may regret your decision and go on and readopt me and Sophie but that pain is unforgettable. I get it you were grieving but we were too. We felt like your daughters and loved you like our parents and what do you do? You throw us out. We were also grieving, we just found out our parents weren't our parents and we could never see them again. It was the same if not worse than having your loved one die. I'm not like Sophie who could just forgive and forget. I forgive but I never forget. And sometimes I don't even forgive. So no, don't even try defending yourself, what you did was unforgivable." I said coldly and Edaline looked like she was on the brink of tears and Grady looked broken.

"I-I understand. But we are sorry and we don't expect things to go back to how they used to or to forgive us. I just hope you give us another chance is all. But for now, we'll leave you alone." He said pulling Edaline out of the room.

( For context I don't dislike them I actually love them, I just feel not enough time and stuff was shown to that flaw so I put it here. Feel free to object but it's what I feel cause it seemed Sophie just forgave and forgot even though they practically broke her heart. So I'm showing that here.)

I fell back and sighed. I knew the others were eavesdropping so I didn't have to worry about telling them what happened. This was so exhausting.


No Ones POV

Tam and Linh were at Havenfeild, Sophie said she had to explain something to them and that it was important. She was stalling by rambling about things and asking Tam what he had found eventually he got annoyed.

"Just spit it out, what's going on?" Sophie sighed and sat a good distance from them like she expected them to attack her when they heard the news.

"Well, it's about the girl you found." Sophie started slowly and they listened closely. "So um, we know her. Like on a personal level." She said and that shocked them but they continued to stay quiet and listen. "She was," she sighed, "she was my sister," Sophie said barely a whisper. But they heard. Sophie had a sister? Why hadn't they heard of this?

"Y-you have a sister? Can we meet her?" Linh asked excited at the idea of another girl in the group.

"Yes and yes but later. She was, she was my twin sister." Sophie said softly and Linh gasped as Tam's eyes widened. There was silence until.

"Why didn't tell us?" Tam asked with narrowed eyes. Why didn't she tell them of all people?

"It was a sensitive topic. I thought she was dead." Sophie said sadly.

"I understand, I guess I would never have brought him up if Tam died," Linh said understandingly with a soft smile. She then smiled and clapped her hands excitedly. "so when can we meet her?"

"Hmm how bout today? If you guys want." Sophie said Linh nodded happily. They headed over to the healing Center at Foxfire and walked into the sight of Elwin forcing an elixir down (Y/N)'s throat.

"I ain't drinking that nasty thing!"

"Yes, you are!"

"Never!" And with that, she escaped his hold and dashed across the room. "You'll never catch me alive!!"

"Oh yes I will," Elwin said rolling up his sleeves and proceeding to chase (Y/N) around the room, ignoring the three teens that walked in.

"As you can see," Sophie said turning to the Song twins. "Me and (Y/N) are polar opposites." She said with a small smile as Elwin finally caught (Y/N). She also finally noticed Sophie.

"SISSY! Help me!"

"Take your medicine," Sophie said flatly.

"TRAITOR!!" (Y/N) roared at her but Elwin took that chance to pour in down her throat. She coughed but swallowed it. "Ewwwww!" She cried out. When she was done Linh hopped over to her excitedly.

"Hi, I'm Linh!" She said smiling.

"Nice to meet you! I'm (Y/N)!" (Y/N) exclaimed proudly with a grin.

"Same and this is my brother Tam." She said pointing next to her.

"Kitty!" (Y/N) yelled but froze when she turned to look at Tam. He. Was. Hot. Long silver dipped bangs in his sharp brooding face. Dark hair and misty eyes. God, he was hot.

"What did you just call me? " He asked narrowing his eyes and my god, even his voice was hot. (Y/N) blushed and felt lightheaded and a minute later she realized. She was fainting.

"Oh hell nah!" Sophie yelled as her sister fell to the ground and the other pair of twins looked confused. Elwin and Sophie already knew she was simping.

Why was she like this?


1333 words

Well two chapters in one day, that's good for you guys. I'm tired. Anyway I already figured out how I was going to bring Henry and the ring back into the story but no spoilers! 

Anyway just please eat food and drink water also sleep a few hours please. 

Good night/day loves!! 


The Twin Sister (If Sophie had a twin Sister AU)Where stories live. Discover now