Chapter 4

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"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?!? DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS, YOU COULD'VE BEEN DEAD FOR ALL WE KNOW!!" And as soon as Fitz had opened the door Sophie attacked me in a hug and started her rant and worry self while Alden and a lady with brown hair and cobalt blue eyes appeared. I KNEW IT!! HE DOES HAVE A WIFE!! I swear if he actually does cheat on her I'm going to actually punch him, and where I know it will hurt. Sophie, Fitz, and his mom rushed me inside as Alden stayed behind to talk to Kesler and I saw Kesler suppressing his eye rolls and attitude from him.

"BYE KESLER!! IF YOU GET THE CHANCE ADOPT ME DO IT AND I'LL SEE YOU IN TWO DAYS!! BYE!!" He smiled widely and waved me goodbye as he turned finally letting himself do an eye-roll at Alden and leaving. We went inside and after all the fussing Sophie told me about her talk with Alden and that she decided to wipe our family's memories of us to spare them the heartbreak. I agreed with her on it but was a little hurt she decided something like that without me, but as I always do I brushed it off as her emotions on the topic. She said that we would get a chance to say goodbye to them before we were wiped from their minds, so I went upstairs to go change back into my old clothes when a teal-eyed mini Della, I learned Della was Fitz's mom's name, jumped on me.

It caused me to fall against the wall and she had her hands on my shoulders. She was about an inch taller than me and really pretty too, she had gorgeous long brown hair and sparkling teal eyes, somehow prettier than Fitz and Alden's. She had soft pink lips and was honestly a natural beauty, especially in the dress she wore. I blushed slightly and time seemed to slow as we stared into each other's eyes, I saw a blush cross her cheeks slightly too. Dude . . . I think I'm gay. I glanced away slightly only to see my sister have her 'ship' face on. I deadpanned and when I looked back at the girl she had an unhappy look on her face but covered it up as soon as she saw me looking back at her, I tilted my head slightly confused. (This started as a Tam x reader fic but then before I knew she was in a love war, it's only the first sparks but still! Tell me if you want this to be a love war or a Tam fic)

"What did you do to my dress?" She finally spoke and I remembered this wasn't my dress that I tampered with. I paled at that and started stuttering apologies and excuses but she stopped me. "No it's ok- I actually think it looks a lot better now, what did you do?" She asked with a smile and she finally released her grip and gave me a little space, because be honest she was pinning me against the wall and It. Was. Hot. If I find out she's confident, has a mean side, and can beat any guy at any time I'll make an exception in my only go for the bad boys or girls type.

"Well all I really did was add decorations and change the straps of the dress. Are sure it was ok to change the dress?" I asked, Alden and Fitz were surprised at how timid I was asking because of how I have been acting around them but Sophie only smiled wider with wide eyes, it was clear she was either chanting 'ship ship ship' in her head or trying to figure out a ship name.

"Yes! It looks really pretty, and you can keep it. You really rock it buuuut to make it look better we could give you some pink or white heels or sandals and loose or change the gloves." And with that, she grabbed my arm and started talking about makeover stuff. My eyes widened in horror and surprisingly Alden saved me from my doom.

"Actually Bianna we need her for something and then after she needs to get checked on by Elwin, so maybe later." He said and Bianna pouted but let go and I left back to the room I was in earlier to change. Hmm fine I'll knock him down a quarter of a peg on my hate chart but he still has plenty hundreds of pegs to go. I changed back into my human clothes and went back downstairs. When Bianna saw me her eyes sparkled.

"ohhh that's actually cute!! You have really good taste in clothes, (N/N)!!" She said and I blushed and looked away. Wait how did she know my name? Whatever. What dampened my mood though was the memory of Fitz asking what LGBTQ was meaning they don't have that stuff here. I sighed, I guess I'll have settled myself with boys, boo. I mean I'm into both, I'm pan, but girls are hot too and it's upsetting having to limit myself to boys. I'm all for being with who you love but I'm not really the leader type, I wouldn't really be the one to start it here in the lost cities, just hope someone else will I guess.

The Twin Sister (If Sophie had a twin Sister AU)Where stories live. Discover now