Chapter 2

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Today had been interesting, to say the least. After we got home our mom yelled at us then Sophie made up some lie about why we ran away from school. Later I kept humming some tune that was in my head, where the random music comes from is beyond me, as we ate dinner that night. Sophie for some reason wanted to get out quickly and as she left she shot me the 'hurry up and meet me in the room' look, don't ask how I always know what she's thinking without being a telepath. It's a twin thing. Just to piss her off I ate slower and our parents just shot me looks and asked if anything was wrong, they had noticed how Sophie shot me a look and whatever.

I made conversation with Amy about random things, unlike her and Sophie we had a semi-good relationship. She thought I was cool and fun and I loved to teach her about how to make a good insult and help her cheat on homework or a test without getting caught. Which mind you, our parents don't approve of, but do we care? NOPE!!

As I finished eating I went upstairs and walked into mine and Sophie's room, we had the option of separate rooms but either I always had nightmares or Sophie just couldn't sleep and I somehow always got her to sleep, so we decided to share. Heck, we even share a two-person-sized bed. Hmm, I can feel those weirded-out looks and deadpans through the screen and why am I narrating my life? And why am I zoning out so many times? Oh, right, the author lazy af. (HEY!! AND Fourth wall bitch!!*kicks her then fixes fourth wall) Anyway don't judge, every cool person has a cuddle buddy or stuffed animal cuddle buddy, but epically amazing people like me and Soph have both. Ha!

When I got up there Sophie was changed and pacing the room, I just tip-toed toward the closet to change there, and surprisingly? The world took mercy on me from Sophie's wrath and I changed in peace. When I finished I was in a fuzzy warm blue panda onesie. YES, I LIKE ANIMAL ONESIES DEAL WITH IT YOU UNCOOL LOSERS!! And for fellow onesie lovers HI!! It's nice to meet you!

Anyway as I tiptoe to the door to escape her wrath I stepped on a squeaky board on the floor and she whipped around to see me. I froze in fear as she smiled sweetly and walked over to me. I had exactly 1 second to decide if I should bolt, which had a 99 to 1% chance of working or suffer her wrath. I cho- neverminded the second was waisted and she's now in front of me.

Before I could react she quickly pulled me into a tight hug and I felt her shaking. She had stuffed her face into my shoulder and I could tell she was sobbing. I softly wrapped my arms around her back and held her, in response her grip tightened. She was taller than me by a few inches and it pissed me the hell off, but at moments like these, I didn't care. I rested my face on her head as she cried. I lead her to the bed and we just laid there, under the comforters all warm and cozy with Marty laying next to Sophie's head giving her small loving kisses. Ah. Marty's love and comfort was painful but sweet, still painful though. Damn his tongue and its spikes.

Sophie's cries reduced to sniffles as she buried her face further into my neck, soaking the soft fabric of the hood of my onesie with her tears. "There there, Soph, now why don't you tell me why you were crying," I asked softly as she pulled away and blinked her big watery brown dough eyes at me. She acted quiet and emotionless around people, even our parents, but was so sensitive and trusting around me. I guess I was really the only person she truly trusted, well same can be said for me but can you blame us? All we had was each other since a very young age because of our abilities, but I liked to call them curses.

"It's just, we're elves, which means our parents aren't our parents and we don't belong here and just we have to forget about everything we know and care about it's so overwhelming and scary. I can't help it." I was rubbing her back soothingly as she spoke. I grabbed her by the shoulder lightly and pushed her far enough that we could look each other in the eye.

The Twin Sister (If Sophie had a twin Sister AU)Where stories live. Discover now