Chapter 34

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I packed my bags and left the campus , I couldn't stand being in the school anymore. Not now, I wanted to leave for now.

"What is the reason for your leaving ma'am ?" The lady in the front desk of the admission office asked.

"Because ..." I looked around the room, "I just don't fit in."

After signing off my papers , I headed out the door of the campus. I'll be back, hopefully ...soon.

Jack and Violet already flew off to Omaha to meet his family. I took the last flight to my home. As the plane was landing , I looked out of the window and smiled. This was where I belong for now.

"Attention passengers , we have finally arrived to our destination. The weather is a bit cold , high 50s. You may now unplug your seats belts and exit through the front doors. Have a great day!"

As everyone was exiting out of the plane, I was still trying to pull out my carry on luggage from the top of the plane. "Ugh , freakin luggage," I whispered , while struggling to pull it out.

"Do you need help with that?" I hear from behind me a familiar voice. "Cameron?"

"You recognized my voice."

I turned around , astonished by the fact that Cameron Dallas was in the same plane as me. "What are you doing here ?" I asked him , as he pulled my luggage out.

"I have family here." He smiled , handing me the luggage.

"Now come on, we should be heading out of the plane," he said grabbing my hand while leading me to the front doors of the plane.

"Do you need a ride?" He asked.

"Uhmm , no it's fine. I'll just call a taxi or something."

"No, I can take you home. I don't want you to wait for a taxi alone here."

I looked at the line of the people waiting in line for a taxi. Ehh, why not? I would save myself $20 by getting a ride from him.

"Ok sure," I said with a smile, "And thank you."

I followed him, as he lead me to his ride. He grabbed both my luggages and then sat me down in his car. "Where should I take you?"

"You can take me to my home." I grabbed a pen and wrote down my address on a napkin from the plane. "Ahh, not too far from my place," he said.

Then he began to drive off. We both sat silently , as I looked out the window. The beautiful roads , my old high-school, we passed by Violet's house. Everything brought back memories of last year with Violet.

After that we passed by the graveyard. "Wait!" I exclaimed. "Drop me off here instead."

"Here? By the graveyard? Why?"Cameron asked looking outside his window too.

"Just please. Drop me off here."

"I'll drop off here. But I'm not leaving you."

I looked into Cameron's eyes , "I promise I won't be long," and I headed out to the graveyard.

I walked passed the other headstones until I finally found the one I was looking for. STEVEN GALLOWAY 1994-2012

I sat down as I felt my eyes beginning to tear up. "Hi Steven." I looked up at the sky and took a deep breath before looking back at his grave.

"I'm back from college. I couldn't handle it anymore there. I just felt that I couldn't fit in. No one ever understood me, only you understood me. It became too hard to have a smile on my face when all I go through is pain. But, I blame myself. You never loved me too, and I was too stupid to fall for that. Violet is doing great. She is happy. I'm proud of her. She was smarter than me , and she found a guy who accepts her. I know how much you care for her; and I'm sorry I let her down. I know that, without me, she will do well. There isn't a day that I don't think about you...I still love you Steven."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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