Chapter 31

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As Jack and I walked back to the campus, fingers interlocked , I noticed people giving us strange looks. His hands were so much bigger than mine and began to sweat a little.

"So where do we go now? What do we do now?"

Jack held my hand tighter and walked me to the center of the campus without saying a word. The other students were making their way to their classes while we stood in the middle staring at each other.

"So what are we going to do now?" I repeated myself hoping that Jack will answer this time.

"We are going to kiss."

At first I thought he was joking but by looking at his face, I noticed that he was being serious.

"Kiss? Here? Now? With you?"

"Yes. Here. Now. And with me"

I looked around the campus at the other students surrounding us. Most of them I didn't know , but they all stared at Jack and me as we stood in the middle.

"I can't kiss you Jack."

"Sure you can."

"No I can't!"

"But you can..." he came closer to me and lifted my chin up with the tip of his finger and closed his eyes to kiss me. He gently met his lips with mine and slowly kissed me while placing his big hands down my back. I wrapped my arms around his body and continued to kiss him back. I felt myself becoming weak on my feet but he held me up and protected me with his lips. The taste of his tongue and the way he moved it made my heart skip a beat. I felt helpless and lost and couldn't get myself to pull away.

He slowly began to let go , then pulling back in again for more kisses.

"I knew you would be able to kiss me." He said with a smirk before going in for another kiss. It was like no one else was around.


I walked back to my dorm room , smiling at every person and everything. Jack Gilinsky kissed me!!! He kissed me and I kissed him and it was the most perfect kiss i ever had. I opened my door , and noticed Lea , trashed on her bed from last night. She still had her heels and costume on while laying on her bed. Her long blonde hair was a mess and her mascara was ruined all over her face. I never seen Lea look this wasted, and took out a pair of Advil to give to her once she wakes up. I still didn't know how to tell her about Jack and I didn't know how to show my face to Cameron. But Jack promised me that we will both get through it together.

As I placed the Advil on Lea's dresser , she began to move and woke up.

"What the hell - where were you last night?" She said the second she saw me sitting beside her in her morning voice. She looked confused and took to pills from her dresser to recover her hangover.

"I was out. It was late, so I want out."

I turned myself away and made my way to the bathroom. Hopefully she won't ask who I was with. Of course , she did ask.

"I was just out with ...Jack."
I whispered under my breath hoping she didn't hear me. However, by looking at her reaction, I knew that she heard me and I knew that she was hurt.

"Of course you were," she whispered back and continued to lay down on the bed while facing her back towards me. I felt like an asshole , mostly because I felt guilty for wanting to be with Jack.

College boy - Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now