Chapter 33

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"Congradulations Ms.Violet, you passed your final for my class," the professor said with a smile of accomplishment on his face. YES!!! I passed all my finals this semester and couldn't wait to get the hell out. "Congradulations baby!!" Jack said giving me a kiss. "This calls for a celebration."

Now that finals were over, students were packing to head back home for break. After such a stressful semester I was so excited to go back home with Jack. He planned to introduce me to his family back in Omaha , which I was quite nervous about. Mallory and Jack Johnson were also getting ready to go back home with us for the break.

I walked to the dorm, noticing Lea packing her stuff too. She never told me where she was planning on going since we still haven't spoken to each other. It was the last day in campus , and I began packing my clothes one by one in my luggage. The luggage that I rolled down these halls in the beginning of the semester. It felt weird knowing how distant Lea and I have become over time. Across from me she was packing the Halloween costume that we matched for the party. As she neatly folded her costume, she sighed and looked up at me.

"I'm sorry Violet."

She came up to me in tears and I threw herself at me. I didn't know what to do, or how to react. However, having her hug me felt good and it brought back so many memories. "I'm sorry about Jack. I know you love him, and from the start I knew you liked him. I'm sorry for being such a bitch. I'm just so sorry."

I was speechless.

"I don't forgive myself for doing this to you. You were the only one there for me when no one was and I love you so much for that. I'm sorry for the pain I caused you." She began breathing heavily, trying to finish her sentences and I forgave her. I always forgave her. But at this moment I realized that I can't be friends with someone like her. And I told her that. I knew I had so many memories with her, but I realized that without her I am able to make newer memories.

"I love you Lea, and I wish you the best. But I don't see me ever being friends with someone like you again."

I said those words and for the first time it felt like the right thing to do.

She nodded in agreement and went back to her luggage and pile of clothing. "I love you too Violet. I just hope we can be friends like we were before."

"I don't see that happening. Maybe next semester."

The room got silent and she looked down at the floor in disappointment. "I won't be here next semester. I'm dropping out. I can't handle being here anymore."

I was shocked. I couldn't believe my best friend was leaving. The girl that I grew up with, the one who promised me in highschool that we would go through everything together. She told me I would be her maid of honor and that she would be mine. But now this same girl was telling me goodbye.

"I will miss you so much Lea. I will always care and love you. But I think it is best if you do go. Goodbye Lea."

Those were my last words I said to her before leaving to Omaha with Jack. That was when I knew that I lost a best friend.

You begin to learn more about yourself as you get older. You find your value and begin to stand up for yourself. Sometimes change can be a good thing, and sometimes letting go of the people you love is for the best. I knew that I would never lost Lea in my heart although physically she is not going to be around anymore. As i interlocked my fingers with Jacks I realized that I am able to love, and right now that is all i need to be happy.

Hey guys, I know it sounds like this book is coming to an end. Which technically , it kinda is, but I'm almost done with the first part of the book. I am thinking of doing part two of this story. I'm so sorry for always posting late, school is just so stressful :/
Let me tell you being a senior in highschool sucks. If you are younger than me , focus hard on School and study for your SAT. I know I sound like a mom now lol but I wish someone told me that before. But anyways, thanks so much for all your kind words. I appreciate it so much.

College boy - Jack GilinskyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant