Chapter 22

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Violet POV

Two weeks...two weeks of happiness, laughter and memories with Cameron. He made me feel good about myself, and I was happy to be known as his girlfriend. His kisses lifted me up and his hugs made me feel warm and safe.

However, Jack and I would barely talk anymore and it hurt me that he would stop talking to me once I got a boyfriend. Silence was our best friend when it came to him. We would casually say "hi" to each other but our conversation would quickly die down after a few seconds. Now, we barely even say hello, all he does is nod his head and I would nod my head back at him. It wasn't awkward, it was just silent. I missed talking to him and I still did want to be his friend. However, I knew deep down that we couldn't be just friends and it was for the best.

It was a stormy mid October day and it was hard to get from class to class due to the weather. I searched my bag for an umbrella and realized I forgot it at my dorm. Damn, now my hair is going to get ruined and I had to walk to another outside to the other building in order to get to my next class. After my physiology class with Jack, I walked outside the building grabbed my jacket and put it over my head. "Okay, Violet you can do this..."I mumbled to myself under my breath before running to the other building. Other kids in the campus were running too as the rain was pouring down hard on us.

Jack ran behind me and called out my name. I turned around and saw him approaching me with his huge black umbrella protecting him from the rain. Even that asshole had an umbrella while I was soaking myself in the rain.

He handed his umbrella to me, "Here get under it, I'll walk you to the next class." I did as he said and got under the umbrella standing arm to arm with him. A huge lighting occurred startling everyone, and the sky continued to turn darker. "Come on!" he yelled out grabbing my hand and running with me under his umbrella.

Once we we arrived inside building C where my classroom is located, Jack closed his wet umbrella while I was trying to fix my already wet hair. "Thanks...for the umbrella," I said while pointing at it. He nodded his head and guided me to the elevator of that building. "What floor?" he asked looking at my direction.

"Uh...third floor."

He pressed the button and looked up at while placing his hands in his pocket. He separated his lips, trying to say something to me but he would immediately close them. I wanted him to talk to me, I couldn't stand these awkward silences anymore. However, I myself did not even know what to say to him.

The elevator started to shake, and I ran up to Jack who wrapped his arms around me as the lights were flickering off. "What is going in?" I said as I felt his heart pound against mine.

Before any longer the whole elevator stopped and turned pitch black. "I think we are having a power outage, shit!" As the elevator made a full stop, I let go of Jacks arms and pounded on the elevator door.

"Stop Violet! There is no point, we will have to wait for the lights to come back on."

No... no I can not be stuck in the elevator alone with Jack. "I'm going to call someone!"

I yelled out trying to find my phone in the pitch black elevator. However, nothing would turn on, there was no way out of here.

"Here, I have a small flashlight in my bag," he said pulling out his keys containing the tiny blue flashlight. I sighed, "Jack, I don't need a freakin flashlight, I NEED to get out of here."

"Chill, damn it's not like I stopped the elevator on purpose. There is a power outage now, so honey you are going to have to stay here until it's over."

Jack turned on his mini flashlight and pointed it towards my direction. I leaned my head back to one side of the elevator wall and took a few deep breaths.

"You are such a dramatic little princess, aren't you?" Jack said forming a smirk on his face. I lifted my head off the wall and glared at him, "Excuse me? No I'm not!! "

"Then why are you freaking out. I gotta say I'm kinda offended that you wouldn't want to spend some time with me."

Honestly, I did want to spend time with him. This is the first time in a while where we could finally be alone. "I'm sorry Jack, but you can't blame me for freaking out. This is the first time I am stuck in an elevator and I am just scared."

He extended his hand and wrapped it around me bringing me closer to his body. "Aww, baby girl don't be scared, you got me."

My head pressed against his chest, and I could smell his scent of sweet vanilla and soap. I pulled away, but he would pull me back in, while rubbing my back slowly with his fingertips.

After a few minutes, Jack and I were still stuck in this elevator with nothing but a mini flashlight. We both ended up sitting on the floor of the elevator. He was sitting with his back leaned against the wall while I was laying down with my head on his lap. He played with my hair by interlocking it with his fingers and slowly making his way down to the tip of it. " are things with Cameron?" He finally said turning his direction to my eyes. I looked away from him, "He is fine...great he is amazing."

"Do you love him?"

"You have no right to ask me that!" I said lifting my head off his shoulder. "I only dated Cameron for two weeks, and our relationship is frankly none of your business."

He lifted his arms up in surrender, "It is a normal question, do you love the boy of not?"

I looked at him disgusted by his remark, which I doubt he saw since the elevator was too dark and the flashlight can only do so much. "He is NOT a boy, and I don't want to talk about this anymore. Do you see me asking you if you love Lea?"

He came closer to me pulling me closer to his face, "He is a boy, Violet. You need a man in your life, not a boy." He then went back to leaning his body against the elevator wall. "And of course I don't love Lea, I'm not even talking to her now. I'm breaking up with her soon anyways."

"When?!" I yelled out, "I mean why...why?"

Jack laughed, "Don't worry love, I will break up with her soon. The faster you end it with Cameron the faster I will -"

Before he could finish his sentence, I smacked him across the face leaving a red mark on his cheek. "Shut the hell up Jack, I am not breaking up with Cameron."

He laughed placing his hand on his cheek, "Then I will wait for you."

"No point of waiting won't happen. Why are you even breaking up with Lea?"

He continued running the area I smacked him on, "Because, she told me about...Steven. And honestly, I'm a bit dissapointed you didn't tell me that Lea was the girl who was at the hospital with him."

My heart started to race, and looked down and started to play with my hands. I couldn't see anything, and it was silent but I could see he was looking at me, waiting for a response. "When did she tell you this?" was all I could get myself to say. He explained to me how everything happened and the more he talked the more uneasy I felt. "Violet, why didn't you tell me this?" he said lifting my chin up to look at him.

"Uh...maybe because you and Lea were dating," I said sarcastically. "Did you expect me to tell on her? It doesn't matter anymore and I don't like talking about this."

My eyes started to tear up, and although Jack couldn't see it forming in my eyes, he could hear my voice shaking up from it. "Violet, please just talk to me. Let it out!"

I sniffed and cried more but Jack calmed me down and convinced me to tell him what happened that night. I explained everything to him, the party , the way Steven touched me and tried to rape me, my way to the hospital, the pregnancy of Lea. I told him EVERYTHING, and he stayed calm and listened to me.

When I was done speaking, he took his hands and reached for my face to wipe my tears away. He began to laugh, "It would be easier to do this if I can actually see your face." I laughed too and placed my head down back on his lap. We were silent again, but this was a good silence. "Thank you for listening to me," I whispered to Jack.

"I will always be here to listen," he said while playing with my hair again. We both stayed silent as we waited desperately for the power to come back on.

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