Chapter 7

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Today I decided to come back to my room to do my work. It’s my room too, and it’s not fair that I have to give up my space because of Lea’s mistakes.

While I was studying for my other classes, Lea and I didn’t speak once.

“I’m so sorry Violet,” she started tearing up coming up to me.

“You don’t have to apologize to me, I don’t care anymore.”

“No I do have to apologize, Im sorry I kissed Jack, Im sorry I told him that you liked him, I don’t know what I was thinking. Please forgive me, you are my best friend and I would do anything to have you back. I can’t stand you hating me. I want my best friend back, please I know what I did was wrong. We are finally in college and we have been dreaming about this day for years. You are like a sister to me, and I can’t lose you. I just really miss…”

“Lea, stop…” I interrupted, “I forgive you, but I can’t say that I would be able to trust you like I did before. You are still my friend and hopefully we will be able to get through this together.”

She hugged me which brought back all the good memories that we had together. I had to accept the fact that she is dating Jack and I had to forgive her eventually.

After she let go of the hug I told her that I had to go. “I have to go to my friend’s dorm to study for my test tomorrow, so I will see you later, ok?” I didn’t want to tell her that I was going to Jack’s place tonight. So I just grabbed my book and walked my way to his dorm.


 I was waiting outside of his dorm until he would open the door. “Hey cutie, come in!” he said once he opened the door. “Don’t call me that, Im just here to study for the test tomorrow,” I demanded. When I walked in I saw Cameron Dallas, the friend from the party with his shirt off. He must be his roommate, and he was so hot. I couldnt keep my eyes off his toned abs and tanned body. “Uh hum” I cleared my through looking away awkwardly.

“Don’t worry you two love birds can have the room to yourselves tonight. I’m going out!” Cameron said while putting on his shirt and leaving the room.

Once Cameron left the room, Jack jumped on his bed patting the seat next to him. “NO WAY!! I am not sitting next to you on your bed” I exclaimed.

“Calm down!! Im just asking you to sit next to me so we could study. It’s not like im asking you to have sex with me”

I felt like an idiot so I sat down next to him on his bed while he took his books out. To my surprise we spent two hours actually studying. I was so surprised on how well Jack knew his material. As he was explaining the last lesson, I zoned out at was gazing into his beautiful brown eyes.

“Violet, do you understand this?” he said to me. “Umm huh? Oh yea I get it” I smiled back at him.

It was getting really late and I could see that Jack was really tired too. After studying for so long, we went off topic and started talking about our past relationship. He got off his bed and went to bring cherries for us to have as a snack.

College boy - Jack GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now