Chapter 11

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Jack Gilinsky POV

 Once I heard Lea knock on my door, I quickly to open it and grabbed her by the waist and kissed her. Whenever the thought of Violet came to my head, I tried to get rid of it by kissing her more. I closed the door while carrying her in and lay her on the bed. As I was making my way down to her neck she smiled saying, “Wow Jack! What happened to you, you never were this excited to see me?”

 “Well things change,” I replied while taking off her shirt and continuing to kiss her. But the more that I would kiss her; I realized that there was no spark between us. All I could think about was Violet and I knew it was wrong to kiss a girl while thinking about another girl.

 She turned me over and started to kiss me too but I just stopped her. “Wait…wait Lea…Im sorry I just can’t do this…not today,” I said while getting up. She was sitting with her bra on and sat up on my bed. “Then why did you call me?” she replied.

 “I thought I was ready to do it with you, but I feel like its only right to wait for the right time.”

 Luckily, she understood and I told her to start a movie while I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower.

 Violet Paisley POV

 I decided to go to the Coffee lounge in order to rethink my situation with Jack. I liked him…a lot…but I was too scared of getting hurt again. As I looked up at the door I saw Cameron walking in. I turned my whole body around and covered my face in order for him not to see me. It was kind of awkward considering that I kissed him this morning without any explanation. However, it was hard not to make myself noticeable since I was the only one in the lounge at this hour. Cameron took a seat next to me, and quickly was able to tell that it was me.

 “Violet? Is that you?” he said to me taping my back.

 I turned around acting surprised, “Oh my gosh, Cameron, HI! I didn’t see you there.”

 He laughed and then started talking to me while ordering both of us a drink. After 10 minutes of talking to him, I was able to feel my comfortable around him. He wasn’t as intimidating as he looked, and he was actually really sweet.

 “So tell me…” he said to me while smiling, “Why did you kiss me this morning?”

 “Uh…I don’t know, I freaked out, I didn’t want Lea to think there is anything going on between Jack and I so I thought that kissing you was the only way I could get her to believe that I was actually visiting you.”

 He laughed at me, “You know you could have just hid behind the closet like normal girls do ha-ha.” I felt my face turn red and what’s worse is that he noticed it. “Hey don’t worry!!” He said lifting up my chin, “Im glad you kissed me.”

 After 30 seconds of him looking at me silently he finally spoke up by saying, “Do you want to go out with me on Saturday?”  

 I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want to lead him on when I knew that I had feeling for Jack.

 “Look its fine…Jack told me you just got out of a relationship and that you are not really looking for anyone now… but I’ll give you time to think about it.” He grabbed a napkin and asked the waiter for a pen and wrote down his number down for me. “Here if you change your mind just call me,” he handed me the napkin and smiled.

 I smiled back and told him thank you for understanding. After that I left the lounge to go to Jack’s room. He lied to Cameron by telling him that I just got out of a relationship and I knew that he did that because he didn’t want me to be with Cameron. And he didn’t want be to be with Cameron because he liked me. I knew at that time I had to tell Jack how I felt about him and how I can’t go a day without thinking about him.

 Once I arrived to his room I knocked on the door waiting patiently for him to open. To my surprise, Lea opened the door with nothing but his button up shirt and her lingerie underneath it.

 “Hey Violet, what are you doing here?” she said looking at me confused.

 “Uhm…Sorry I thought that Cameron was here,” I lied while hearing the shower running in the bathroom. I walked out of the room, devastated. She was practically naked in his room, and Jack told me that he would only have sex with a girl if he was in love with her. What complete bullshit! Unless, what if he did love her?

 I came back to my room, crying to my pillow. After an hour I gathered myself together and decided to call Cameron.

 I dialed his number on my phone and waited for him to pick up.

 “Hello…” he said on the other line.“Hi Cameron, its Violet, so are you still up for Saturday night?” I could tell that he was smiling when he said, “Sure! I’ll pick you up from your dorm at 8. I will text you everything tomorrow. Good night dear.”

 “Good night, Cameron,” I said while hanging up the phone.

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