Chapter 26

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Violet POV

I arrived to the campus, confused and frustrated as to what has happened. I didn't know where to go and what to do. Walking past the campus, seeing all the happy couples and friendships forming made me question my life. I didn't know if I should go back to the room and see Lea after what Jack has said about her. I didn't know if I should go to Cameron and feel more guilty for the feelings that Jack was giving me. I didn't know who to go to and I felt alone in the middle of this campus surrounded by all these people.

I waited until curfew came along and walked back to my dorm, hoping that Lea was asleep. Luckily, she was and all her tissues were still surrounding our floors. I decided to shut off my phone because I did not want to talk to anyone tonight. I just wanted to be alone and process my feelings and emotions that is overcoming me now.


All throughout the campus, the kids would be talking about Halloween. Apparently from what I heard, there is going to be a huge Halloween party. Cameron kept bringing it up, trying to convince me to go to this party. I came over his dorm, before Jack would come back from his class, and sat with him on his bed.

"Babe, come on! It will be a fun night, and maybe after it can get more fun, " He said with a wink bringing me closer to his body. He was getting more affectionate and more "touchy", one can say. Of course, this would take place when Jack isn't around. I have been doing a very good job at ignoring him and he seemed to do the same.

"But what will I wear?" I whined back to Cameron.

"I don't know...a sexy nurse

A sexy teacher

A sexy vampire

Whatever you will be I'm sure you will be very very sexy," he whispered as he was coming close to my body and sliding his hand up my leg.

My heart started to beat faster, mostly because I felt uncomfortable to be touched this way. The last and only person who touched me like this was Steven, and it also made me feel nervous and uneasy.

Before Cameron could slide his hand up my thighs any higher, I heard the door knob turning and jumped off his bed.

I looked up at the door noticing Jack standing there awkwardly. "Uh sorry, I will come back later," he said nervously not even making eye contact with me. Frankly, I didn't mind, it was the first time in weeks that I heard him talk again. I missed his voice and being near him, I felt more safe around him.

"NO!!" I heard myself yell out to Jack, causing him to face me. My heart started to beat faster and I found myself struggling to find the right words to say. "No-" I said again, "it's fine , you can stay, I was just about to go."

The room filled with silence, and I rushed myself to get out of that room. Cameron reached in for a kiss and placed it on my cheek, before I walked out.

As I walked to my room, I noticed all the Halloween decorations being put up already. From spider webs, to skeletons to witches , everyone was really excited.

"BOO!" I heard a voice saying behind me , causing me that startle. I turned around noticing it was just Lea.

"Are you going to the Halloween party?!" She asked while looking around the campus decorations with me.

"I don't know , I have to pick out a costume first." I really have not decided what I was going to be.

"How about this, we both wear a matching costume. I was thinking of a police officer, shows the people who is in charge," she said with a wink.

I sighed, "Fine, pick out the costume, get one for me , and then I will go."


Jack Gilinsky POV

As Violet left the room I could feel that we had a connection. When I looked into her eyes I could see how flustered she looked and how red she got. Just the sight of Cameron touching her killed me and I did everything to avoid both of them.

"Bro, are u going to the Halloween party ?" Cameron asked while fixing his hair in the mirror.

"Yea , probably but I don't know who to take. I don't really want to go alone."

Cameron turned to look at me, "Violet and I are going together , just come with us. You can take Lea with you."

Lea and I haven't talked for a few weeks too. Although I never officially ended it with her, I knew things wouldn't work out. "Nah, we are not together anymore and I don't want to feel like the third wheel with both of you."

"Don't worry man, with you being there , Violet would probably not even touch me," he laughed while packing up his books. "However, that will be the night we become..."closer" if you know what I mean."

I smiled nervously , not knowing what to say. I knew eventually Cameron would try to make a move and I fear Violet would fall for him. "Listen , bro, I'm going out tonight. But seriously, come to the party it be fun," he said before leaving the room. Knowing what Cameron was planning, I knew I had to go to the party with them.

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